🌷Chapter 25🌷

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♡Salem POV♡



I finally finished the drawing for mama so that means I can go outside and play with my friends.

Mama is in the kitchen like always cooking yummy food for me but sadly not for papa who went missing during war, she cried in the night and pretends she's happy but I know that she's not. I want her to smile again and not be sad so I made a drawing of her and papa holding hands with a rainbow around them.

"Mama look look I made this." I barrel into the kitchen excited to show off my work.

She faces me with a fond smile.

"Now that's beautiful Salem I love your pretty drawings." Butterflies enter my tummy making me feel fuzzy inside. "Let me put that on the fridge."

"Can I play outside mama pleeeeeeease?" She sighs nodding making me cheer.

"Only where I can see you ok?" I nod before rushing outside into the woods where mama can see me. I enjoy the woods because it's beautiful and has a lot of butterflies that I like trying to catch but I can't cause they fly too high. Mama usually uses her magic hands to capture them for me. She's werid but a cool werid. She told me I might inherit her powers AND papa as well making me confused at why I need them. She always said just in case any bad people try hurting us.

But who would?

Mama has friends  who are witches but after papa left we had to leave the cover too...I dunno why but we left in a hurry but it was worth it because now I play in the woods whenever I want. If mama allows it.

I continue rolling around the crunchy leaves then pick out roses that I put in my white hair like a flower crown. I make mama one too because she derseves it.

Mama is the best.

White hair like mine that's always in a pony tail never down unless she's combing it which I love doing, her eyes are my favourite one green and pink. She's rare and one of a kind just like papa who I miss so much but I know one day he'll come back from war just don't know when.

"Salem dear supper time." I hear mama calling out in which I respond with coming as I rush to our little hut entering the dining room. "Not so fast snowflake wash those hands it's vital, you never when a deadly virus could break loose so always wash before eating." I hurry to the kitchen grabbing the soap and rinsing my hands before coming back to my seat. "Good boy now I made your favourite."

"SPAGHETTI!" mama only made spaghetti whenever it was birthday but today isn't so it's werid why she made it but who cares it's spaghetti.

"Eat up good then we are going for a little stroll because you've been so well behaved lately and you derseve a break being a good boy." She seats and eats with me wearing the flower crown I made her, I don't like exercise but mama said it will be quick. "You know I love you dear so much that I would kill for you. You mean the world to me and I only want the best for you no matter the cost."

"I know mama...and I love you too."

"One day my boy you'll meet a handsome man just like I did and you'll have a happily ever after."

"You'll be invited to my wedding mama and papa can walk me down the isle." Her smile saddens and her eyes water making me feel like I said something wrong. "M-mama did I do bad?"

"No don't be silly Salem I- never mind me and my silly emotions you know I'll be there at your wedding. You're my little snowflake and whoever you and you with I guarantee will love you till the end of time."

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