Chapter 39

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Kongpob's POV

Staying away from Arthit has been proven harder than I thought. I gave him the space he wanted. The only time I slipped was at Ghibli. He stood there with sparkling eyes mesmerized by the flickering display of Chihiro jumping rope. He looked so innocent in that dark room where the illumination lit his beautiful smiling profile. It hit me like a brick. The realization of how much I wanted to be the center of his attention like that. Can I make him smile and be happy like that?

I bent down next to him looking at the same display, and I turned back to find him much more interesting. I couldn't hold myself back from stealing his attention even if it was just for a mere two seconds. His reaction was so worth it. He looked at me wide-eyed in surprise with his smile still intact. He stood up straight looking at me for a second like he wanted to say something, but then he didn't. He just kept his smile on, and walked out of the enclosed display with me following close behind.

Throughout the day, I think I was watching him more than anything else. He didn't make that too hard though since the space between us kept getting smaller and smaller. At one point, I swear he was about to kiss me. When we waited in line for Sushi Dai, the line was wrapped around three times. We waited almost three hours to get in. We had bought some One Piece manga to read, but we mostly spent the time talking about our own childhood.

I think he was surprised to learn that despite my upbringing, I was just a kid trying to be as normal as possible. Growing up playing with bodyguards and maids was my reality. I didn't get to go to birthday parties like other kids. The only birthday parties I attended were my own under high security at my own home. However, I did have good friends to play with. My parents loved me, and made time for me. Even when times were getting tough, I was sheltered until the very end. That's why when my father had passed, reality hit me so hard.

Some of Arthit's stories made me want to cry for the pain he had to endure. He hasn't seen his mother for over five years because his father would beat his mother if she came in contact with him. He didn't want to see his mother suffer, so he gave up trying to see her. And all the times he did see his mother, she would beg him to just marry a girl, and try to live a normal life. She would make him wear a bunch of trinkets she had got from the temple that promised to turn him straight. I laughed so hard, I almost fell over.

The only person that was supportive of him was his younger sister, and even she can only see him once in awhile because she was still living at home. His older brother has not once spoken to him since he came out, and that was even when he was still at home. He says his brother was a classic homophobe. The looks he gave him were as dirty as they can get. When he told me he missed his mother's cooking, I had the urge to just take him into my embrace. He didn't let too much emotions show, but I could tell he was hurting.

I can't imagine not seeing my mother. Even though my mother is really my stepmother, no one can tell me she loves me any less. Arthit's story made me want to call my mother that instant to let her know how much I love her. How grateful I was for every night she stayed up with me when I had a bad dream, I was sick, I was sad, or I just wanted her attention.

I told Arthit that I was somewhat of a late bloomer, so I was smaller than most of the boys in my class when I was around 9 years old. He found it hard to believe, but it's true. I told him a few kids in my class started pushing me around. My mother usually let me fight my own battles, but when I went home one day with a big cut on my arm after being pushed against a wired fence by one of the bullies, my mother snapped. No one dared to bully me again after she picked up that kid that pushed me, and flipped him upside down in front of the whole school. Dangling him by his ankles until he cried.

She did that in her four inch heels without breaking a sweat. You never want to mess with my mother. She would drag you to hell and back while smiling like an angel. I think one of the reasons my mother never liked Davika is because they are too alike. Scary, I know. I think I really do miss my mother though. However, I held myself back from calling her because I didn't want my mother to track me or suspect anything. I'm not ready for her to know about Arthit yet.

Now, back to Arthit and I. I actually enjoyed our long wait. The line kept us really close next to each other. At one point I hooked our pinky fingers together like we were teenagers. He didn't back away, but showed a beautiful blush that reached his ears.

After dinner, I took Arthit to get the best matcha parfait there is. I got one double size to share instead of getting two. We sat there at a corner table, and I demanded him to feed me. He hesitantly looked around, and obliged. He looked real cute. He told me he has never had to do things like this. That made me wonder what the heck did he do in his past relationships. I haven't been in a real one for a long time, but some things don't change, right? Did I miss the memo?

Pushing his past aside. I'm excited to go back to Bangkok where I have the best surprise waiting for him. I wonder if he will want to keep his own room, or would he want to share mine. Either way is fine with me. I can respect him if wants a little more space to himself. I don't want to overwhelm him with too much at a time. I wondered if Popeye is okay with Sachi. She can be scary sometimes. Thak had come in to work with a black eye once, and he won't tell me how he got it. So, I'm praying Sachi didn't scare the shits out of Popeye.

Arthit seemed deep in thought when we got back to the hotel. He was quietly following me. When I went to get undressed, I saw him watch me through the window reflection. He slowly walked closer to me. And when I turned around, I saw his unadulterated desire in his eyes. I have to say his stare completely disarmed me. Any distance I was trying to maintain went out the window. Maybe we are moving too fast, but at that moment I couldn't deny him, or myself the need we had for each other.

I was nervous as fuck even though I didn't let it show. I just let him take me as I have no idea what to do. So, I was curious too. Gay porn wasn't that detailed, and it just wasn't interesting to me. I'm serious about him being the only man I'm attracted to.

Sex with him was so different from any of my past experience. Well, of course it's also different for obvious reasons. But what I mean is, in the past I was always the one pleasing.

However, Arthit showed me what it feels like on the receiving end. I didn't even know I had so many sensitive spots. I've never been touched the way like I have by him. His kisses along my thighs sent shivers down to my throbbing length. When he stroked our dicks together, and then made me hold them with him, I swear that was the most erotic thing I've ever seen. Watching him reached his climax while chanting out my name brought a satisfying warm feeling in me.

Arthit's assertive and confident side was very sexy. A side I didn't know he had. If only I can get him to see himself this way.

My first time wasn't too bad, but damn my ass is sore. I tried to power through the pain, and walk it off. As embarrassing as it should have been for me, I actually didn't mind him helping me afterwards. I honestly never would have imagined in a million years that I would literally get fucked. Not that I regretted it, but when the next opportunity presents itself, I'm topping.

Since this wasn't planned, we weren't prepared for what transpired. I wasn't sure what was going to happen, but I trusted him. I probably shouldn't have trusted him as much as I did, but I did. The very least, we didn't even use protection. It's scary to think about it now, but I can't find it in myself to regret.

When we finally got to bed, I was exhausted. I wanted to fall asleep, but Arthit's little touches here and there kept waking me. But I was so tired I didn't understand what he was mumbling about. I vaguely recalled his arm wrapping around me before I was completely out.

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