Chapter 97

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"The concrete caisson for N19 has started. Excavation has also started for P22, but I think the process may take a bit longer since I heard there's some problems with the subcontractor. AEECOM might have to switch the company they are using." M said as he pointed out various spots on the blueprint.

Kongpob and M are currently in the project room that houses the model scale of the SuSus Development Project. They are going over the status of the development. They do this on a weekly basis. After more than three years of planning, the project has finally broken ground. The project is scheduled to be completely finished within the next three years. There's no time to waste, but there's also no room for errors.

If there's ever a chance to leave a legacy, this is Kongpob's opportunity. All his investments, and all his other business ventures has earned him a lot of money, but none stood out or represents his beliefs like SuSus. Although, Kongpob is still young, and there's much to come, he doesn't know when he will have another project at this grand scale. He is basically building a city within the city. It's a whole new idealistic world of sustainable living. Right now, all eyes are on the SuSus Project.

Many want it to succeed, but there's equally as many if not more that want to see it fail. There's a lot of people who hate to see change even if it's for the better. There's also a lot who just want to see him fail, and take him down a notch. So, Kongpob needs this project to succeed and surpass all expectations. Not only is his reputation on the line, there's also $12 billion of investment at risk. He has a lot of promises to keep, and results to deliver. This project can be the end of KPS Company if it fails, and he is not about to let that happen.

"M, I need you to keep an eye on the new subcontractor AEECOM replaces them with. I don't want any shady companies involved in this project."

"Kong, are you still thinking about that collapsed Shanghai building? You know that was like a freak accident." M looked to Kongpob who was still hovering over the blueprint on the table. He doesn't even know why Kong still needs to look at the blueprint when he practically has it imprinted in his brain already.

"It's a lesson we all should learn from, and never forget. Human greed and stupidity has no limits. I just want to make sure everything is done correctly. SuSus can't afford such freak accidents. And by the way, I don't believe for a second that was just a freak accident. They were lucky there weren't many casualties."

"I understand. I'll make sure to check on them. So are we done here?" M stretched his arms over his head with a yawn. His eyes landed at the the stack of paperwork he had brought with him. "Oh, actually, I have one more thing for you to sign. I almost forgot this." M pulled out a black folder that was underneath the stack of papers. "Here's the contract for the solar water heating system, and the solar glass you wanted. For the glass, they said it's the lightest they can make it without compromising its efficiency and effectiveness, essentially the integrity of their product. If you want it any lighter, they won't make it." M pushed the folder across the table to Kongpob. He desperately hopes that Kongpob will be satisfied this time. He has scoped over thirty different reputable solar companies across the globe, and only a handful of them have experience with a project this size. And actually none can match exactly Kongpob's demands. This company is the best of the best.

"Good. I like it when they push back. It means they aren't just trying to please me for a contract they can't deliver. I'll look over it later." Kongpob finally stood up to look at M with a smile that M wasn't expecting.

"What's with the stupid grin? What did Arthit feed you this morning? I bet it's not just breakfast." M teased his best friend. He can't let an opportunity like this go. M unbuttoned his jacket, crossed his arms over his chest, leaned against the conference table, and crossed his legs by the ankles. He watched Kongpob come around the table with the contract in hand.

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