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Taehyung breathes in the fresh smell as he walks into the flower shop. He is going to buy some roses for his mother since it's her birthday.

He walks around the shop and looks for the owner. He walks and sees a man fixing some sunflowers into an arrangement.

The man feels a presence behind him so he turns around. Taehyung feels his whole world freeze.

The man is beautiful. He has soft black hair, plump pink lips, a small waist and wide shoulders. Taehyung feels his heart flutter when their eyes meet.

"Hello Sir. What can I get for you today?" He asks in a sweet voice with a smile.

Taehyung doesn't realize he's been staring for too long. The man has captivated his attention and he still is shocked as he didn't know angels truly exist.

The said man's smile falters and he looks at Taehyung worriedly. "Sir?" he asks again. Taehyung has been staring at him, almost as if he's not breathing, for a while now. The man doesn't know what to do.

Taehyung gets out of his daze as he feels the man touch his hand. He feels the warmness of the small hand on his own large one.

"S-Sorry. I uh wanted to buy a rose arrangement." Taehyung stutters. He doesn't know why, no one had made him feel that way before.

The man pulls his hand away and Taehyung feels the strings of his heart being pulled. The man walks towards another area of the shop. Taehyung follows behind him.

The man stops in front of displays with different colored roses. All the roses being natural, 100% real. The man turns and looks at Taehyung with a smile. "What colors would you like Sir?"

Taehyung clears his throat, "I-I'll just get red roses with some baby breath as well." He curses at himself in his head for stuttering again.

"Okay Sir. Please take a seat. There's some tea and cookies if you may want some. I will come to you once I am finished." the man says as he shows his hand to another small room of the store with some tables and food.

"Okay" Taehyung says as he walks over to the table. He serves himself some tea and sits. He looks at the beautiful man while he makes the arrangement. He really does take Taehyung's breath away.

The man carefully puts all the flowers into a bouquet, making sure it looks well arranged. He loves his job and wants to do good work with every single bouquet he makes.

Taehyung looks down once the man looks back at him. The man smiles, "Cute" he thinks. He walks over to Taehyung. "I will attend you up at the checkout when you're ready Sir." he says and smiles before leaving.

Taehyung straitens his suit before throwing his cup away and going to the checkout. "That will be $20, Sir." the man says. Taehyung takes a $100 bill out of his pocket and gives it to the man.

The man was about to give him his change but Taehyung stops him. He shakes his head and smiles. "Keep it. I love the arrangement too much." he says.

"S-Sir. I can't accept this, please. I don't deserve it. This is my job." he says.

"Please. Take it, for me?" he says as he pouts playfully.

The man laughs, "Alright then. Thank you Sir."

"Call me Taehyung." Taehyung's says with a smile.

"Okay, Taehyung. I am-"


Taehyung steps out of the car as he walks into the cemetery. He walks down the familiar path until he sees the familiar grave. He stops right next to it.

He kneels down and sets the arrangement in the flower container. He stands back up as he reads the words on the grave for the nth time.

"Kim Sunmi.
Loving mother and wife.
You will remain in our hearts forever.

He sighs as he remembers the painful memory. His mother died when he was just 12 years old. Of course Taehyung knows the reason as to why. His father, being the mafia leader at the time, worked with many dangerous people.

His father made a mistake trying to trick their rivals now, which they weren't before. They weren't rivals until Taehyung's father tried tricking them. While signing a deal on a gun trafficking shipment, his father tricked them into getting the least amount of money which was supposed to be half for each of them. Sehun,Taehyung's father, tricked them into getting 30% while he got 70%.

That was a very big mistake. Kai, their rival's leader at the time, was very mad when he found out. He decided to get revenge and got it using Sehun's weakness, Sunmi. He kidnapped her and killed her, cutting her head off and then sending it in a box to Sehun's office.

Sehun swore revenge and got it by murdering Kai. In the end, he decided he might as well kill himself as well. He didn't know how he would survive knowing the guilt of it being his fault his wife is dead was going to eat him alive day by day. He didn't want to suffer for his own consequences.

Taehyung was left without parents in less than a span of a week. This caused him to be engulfed into the mafia world at a young age. He already knew his father's work wasn't the best, but he wanted to follow in his footsteps to continue the Kim Legacy.

He trained at a young age. Went to prestigious schools to train and learn to know more about trafficking. Of course not sex trafficking, that's something he is not okay with at all. He'd only traffic weapons, drugs, organs and such. Never actual, breathing humans.

He turned into the leader on his 21st birthday. He was now the best leader the Kim's have had. He knew this was going to be his future one way or another, so he wanted to be the best when his time came.

He looks back down at his mother's grave, he swiped his fingers over the engraved words, "Happy birthday mother." he sits down on the grass. "Another year where we can't celebrate it together. I hope you and father are celebrating happily together."

He sniffles and wipes his tears. He always has tears to cry whenever he goes to visit his mother. He looks down as he plays with his hands.

"Today was different mother." he smiles as he remembers. "I met an angel. An angel that goes by the name of Seokjin."


i hope you enjoyed the first chapter. ☺️

-𝓐 💜

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