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Taehyung stays silent.

"I don't know. What do you want us to be?" he asks.

Seokjin turns and looks at him. "What do you mean? Only I make the decision? Shouldn't you also want us to have a relationship if we do?"

He backs away from Taehyung and sits across from him. He covers his body. He's beginning to regret what he just did with him. Is he the only one who had feelings in whatever they have? If so, he wants to end whatever they have now, before he gets hurt.

"Of course I want to be with you. I was just asking so that I knew we both felt the same way." he says as he tries bringing Seokjin close again.

"Are you sure?" Seokjin asks. He thinks it's weird that Taehyung would say that.

"Of course I am. Why would I be lying?" he asks as he kisses Seokjin's forehead.

"I don't know. So...are we dating?"

Taehyung smiles. "Yes, we are. Officially." he says before he kisses Seokjin and brings him closer.


Seokjin breathes in the smell of the fresh flowers. He had missed his shop over the weekend. He was so stressed because of school and just wanted to relax. Hoseok goes to his usual spot on the couch and takes a nap.

"Do you want anything Hobi?" Seokjin asks as he threads his fingers in Hoseok's hair.

"No Jin, thank you. Wake me up if you need anything." Hoseok says sleepily before drifting

Seokjin smiles and goes back out. He looks up as the door opens up. He smiles as Ken walks in.

"Goodmorning Seokjinnie!" Ken beams as he sets his bag down.

"You're here early! Really early. Your shift starts in 4 hours." Seokjin says as he looks at the clock.

"Do you not want me here?" Ken asks.

Seokjin shakes his head. "It's not that. It's just that it's really early."

"I don't know, I just woke up early and I wanted to come here. Is there anything that I can help with? I can start early." Ken says as he stands against the counter.

"Not right now. I'm barely opening up. I'm getting a delivery in a few hours so you can help then. I'll just tidy up the place." Seokjin says as he takes the broom.

"Okay. So, how's your love life?" Ken asks out of the blue.

"What do you mean 'my love life'?" Seokjin asks as he looks at him weirdly.

Ken shrugs. "I don't know. I just wonder what happened with that 'Yoonie' you'd always talk about." he says as he looks intensely at Seokjin.

Seokjin looks away. "Oh Yoongi. Uh..I haven't spoke to him in a while." he says sadly as he begins sweeping.

"Oh. That's sad. I thought you'd have something since you know, you always said stuff about him."

"Things changed Ken. He left. I haven't seen him since." Seokjin lied. He didn't want to explain everything to Ken. He already knew enough about them.

"You're right. Good thing you haven't changed. Still the same innocent little Seokjin." Ken says as he eyes him up and down.

"I guess. I was never really innocent, you know." he says with a shrug.

"You are. Trust me." Ken says.

Seokjin cleans the trash and takes it to the trash can. Ken is acting a little weird he thinks. He decided to shrug it off. Ken has always been a little weird.

"How about you throw this trash away." Seokjin says as he points to the trash can.

"Sure." Ken says before going out the back door to where the dumpster is.

Seokjin breathes out. What's gotten into Ken? He shakes his head and arranges the flowers in their belonging spaces. He calls Ken and tells him the delivery had arrived. Ken brings the flowers in and Seokjin fixes them up. He attends a few customers before it's closing time. He wakes Hoseok up.

After leaving the shop, the trio leaves to school.


Seokjin and Hoseok enter the mansion. Seokjin sighs as he goes up the stairs to his room. He throws his backpack on the bed and gets into a shower. He wraps a towel around his body and walks out to the closet. He dresses and then he notices a note on his bed.

He picks it up.

"Come to my office when you arrive." - V

Seokjin looks at the note. Taehyung hasn't ever referred to himself as V. He shrugs and walks down to his office. He sees Yoongi on the couch and he waves at him. Yoongi has a small smile as he waves back. Seokjin arrives to Taehyung's office before knocking.

"Come in." he hears and he does that.

He sees Hoseok sitting in a chair and Taehyung in his usual spot.

"Have a seat." Taehyung says coldly.

Seokjin sits down.

"Who's Ken?" Taehyung asks, straight to the point.

"Ken? He's my friend. Why?" Seokjin asks. How does Taehyung know him?

"I don't know. Hoseok told me you've been hanging out with him. Is there something I don't know about?" he asks as glares at Seokjin and rubs his chin.

"No? He's just my friend. That's what he is to me and what I am to him. He knows that. How do you know him?"

"That doesn't matter. I just hope it stays that way. Both of you can leave." Taehyung dismisses him.

Seokjin was about to ask him more questions, but Hoseok takes him by the arm and pulls him out the room. He pulls him until they reach his room. Yoongi stares at them weirdly when they pass, Seokjin looks at him and shrugs.

Hoseok closes and locks the door behind them.

"Hoseok? What's going on?"

"Don't talk back to him. He doesn't like that. When he says the conversation is over, it's over."

"How does he know about Ken? Did you really tell him?"

"Yes and no. He has other men watch out for us too I guess. They probably told him about Ken and they investigated him. He threatened me into telling him who Ken was."

"But why does he care? He sees that Ken doesn't do anything."

"I'm not sure. He's been acting a little weird."

'So has Ken'  Seokjin thinks to himself.

"Maybe he's just looking out for you. You know how jealous he gets." Hoseok says with a chuckle.

"I hope so." Seokjin mutters.

happy new year loves! i hope this year brings you all health and happiness. make the best of this year 💜💜

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