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Yoongi and Hoseok's noses twitch and curl when they enter the mansion. The smell of alcohol made the place reek. They look at each other before calling.

"Jin?" Yoongi calls as he walks around. It was the weekend, there wasn't a reason for him not to be here.

When they get no response, they begin worrying. Taehyung would've answered for Seokjin is he wasn't home.

"Taehyung?" Hoseok calls as they make their way up to the rooms.

The pungent smell of alcohol intensified. Taehyung hadn't drunk alcohol in a very long time. Could it be him? Yoongi knew Seokjin doesn't like alcohol, since that was one of the reasons his parents had died. He despised it, how could he drink it?

Hoseok goes to check Seokjin's room. He walks in and sees the room cluttered, as if Seokjin hadn't tidied it before he left. The bed undone, clothes on the floor, but the alcohol smell was worse. He hears hiccups coming from the walk in closet in the room. He furrows his eyebrows and walks in. The light is off but he turns it on.

"Hoseok?" Yoongi calls as he walks in the room. Hoseok looks over at him and waves for him to come over to where he is. They look in and see Taehyung, passed out on the floor. Hoseok walks in slowly, but Taehyung jolts awake.

"J-Jin?" he mumbles. His eyes were red and he reeked.

"Where is Jin?" Yoongi asks from behind Hoseok.

Taehyung eyes flash different emotions, before setting on anger.

"I-I don't know. Beats me. He could die for all I care." he hiccups, shrugging his shoulders and gulping down the bottle of vodka in his hand.

Hoseok steps forward and tries taking the bottle from him, but Taehyung swats his hand away.

"Stop! Let me be happy. Jin left and this is my only happiness. Only this bottle can cure me." he says as he admires the bottle. He was drunk
out of his mind.

"What do you mean Jin left?" Yoongi questions.

Taehyung looks at him and scoffs, "Technically, I kicked him out." he says. He sees the looks on the other male's faces and puts a finger up. "Listen you little shits. Don't you dare go on his side. You want to know what he did, huh?! You want to know?!" his voice gets louder and his hiccups get worse. He shakes his head and his eyes well with tears.

He wobbly gets up and picks up the note that Ken had given to Jin. It had been 2 days since what happened. He throws the note at their feet. "Read that bull crap. Read it!" he yells as he points at the piece of paper. He chugs another gulp of the alcohol.

Hoseok picks up the note and reads it before showing it to Yoongi. Yoongi reads it and they look back at Taehyung. "What does this have to to with him?"

Taehyung laughs maniacally. "Do you not get it?! He cheated on me! With that fucker! He even lied to me once I found out!" he drops the bottle of vodka on the floor. The alcohol splatters all over the floor and the glass shatters. He gets a vase of red flowers and picks it up. "It came with these!" he scoffs before throwing the vase at the floor too, it joining the pile of glass and trash on the floor.

Yoongi and Hoseok are speechless. Would Jin really be capable of going this?

"What happened exactly?" Hoseok asks.

Taehyung crosses his arms and shakes his head. "He probably came back from that fucker's house. 2 days ago, he came back and when he stepped in, he was basically kicking me out of his room, and that made me lose it. He was kicking me out of my own room, that I own! He probably didn't want anything to do with me anymore, he didn't want to see me.

I confronted him and he denied everything. I tried telling him to leave and stay away, but he refused to so I did the logical thing; I slapped him when he tried touching me again. Do I regret it? At the time I think I did, but now I don't. If that was a lie, don't you think he would've came back? He's probably with Ken already, probably that's why he came. To take Jin away and leave again. It's fine, my one love got away, but it was one sided love! He only wanted sex! My money! My house! He's just a whore and a gold digger, you don't know how much I regret risking myself for him."

He sits down at the side of the bed and wiped his tears. "It's fine." he sniffs. "I don't care. He can be dead for all I care."

Yoongi and Hoseok stare at him in shock. Seokjin isn't like that, at all. Taehyung made him move in with him, because it's for his own safely. Taehyung put Seokjin's life in danger, and Seokjin knew, but he decided to accept that and still love Taehyung for who he is. Seokjin's virginity was basically lost to Taehyung. He didn't tell Taehyung the full story that happened when he was almost kidnapped, did he? How can Taehyung be saying all these things, when Seokjin has risked everything for him?

"Taehyung, you are wrong." Yoongi blurts.

Taehyung looks up at him with flaring eyes. "What the fuck did you say?!"

Yoongi looks at him. "I said, you are wrong. That is not Seokjin. If anything, the only
person who's guilty, is you."

Taehyung walks up to him and takes him by the collar, pushing him against the wall. "What the fuck are you saying?!"

Yoongi tries not to be affected from the pain shooting in his back as he looks into Taehyung's eyes.

"How could he cheat on you." he starts with a whisper. "If he's risked his own life to be with you. Do you not understand? He knew the danger of keeping contact with you, and he still continued being with you. He moved in with you. His life is now in danger because of you. Do you not understand? He did all that because he loves you." he spits every word out with his teeth gritted.

Taehyung's hands release slightly and his eyes show guilt and remorse, but those emotions leaves quickly. He lets go of Yoongi's collar, before swinging and punching him across the face.

"Y-You don't know what you're saying! You're probably just covering up for him. You are trying to mess with me too! Or maybe, he was messing around with you too?! Tell me, tell me! Where you two messing around here, in my own house?!"

He surprises both males when he pulls out a gun and points it at Yoongi. Hoseok gasps. His eyes teared up.

"T-Taehyung. You're not in your right senses. Please, put the gun down. Let's talk about this in a m-more civil way, yeah?" Hoseok speaks, his voice trembling.

Yoongi looks over at Hoseok. "There's nothing left to talk about, everything has been said. It all depends how he takes the truth." he says before glancing at Taehyung and walking out the room. He stomps out the door and drives to the only place he knows he can go at the moment.

Meanwhile, Taehyung drops on his knees and sobs in his hands. Was this the truth? Or was this all another trick being played by Seokjin, who was being helped by Yoongi? Could he really have only left his jealousy blind him when he should've listened to Seokjin?


hello everyone! ^_^

lol, sorry for all the angstyness, but what do you think of the situation so far?

also, for my fellow jinkookies, i posted my story :)) it's titled "my luna"

stream shadow and black swan for our boys 💓💓☺️

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