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"Any news." Namjoon asks his brother.

Jaehwan leans back in the chair. "No, Jimin hasn't reported anything."

Ever since the note incident, Ken had dropped out of school. He had been living with Namjoon. He then got comfortable and wanted to run the place just like his brother, which didn't sit well with some of the people.

Jimin and Jungkook didn't like him at all. They thought it was very fishy for him to come out of the blue and say this whole story, saying him and Namjoon are brothers. Namjoon was gullible and believed it, but they weren't going to trust him so easily.

"You think he can be planning something against boss?" Jimin asks Jungkook.

Jungkook shrugs, "Don't know, but don't speak like that around Namjoon, you might make him mad."

Jimin rolls his eyes. "I don't care. I just don't know why he trusted him so easily."

Jimin thinks there is something very weird happening. He thinks it's really weird how Namjoon trust him easily. It took them a very long time to gain his full trust, but maybe it's because they are related. Namjoon is an only child, so maybe the want of having a sibling was so exciting for him. He knows Namjoon always wanted a family, no matter how much he may deny it. Maybe that's what he wants with Jungkook.

"You should ask him. You know, aren't you two like a thing? He'll for sure tell you." Jimin says as he side eyes Jungkook. He doesn't miss the blush that creeps on his cheeks.

"I-I don't know. What if he gets angry?"

"Come on. He won't get angry with you. You're like special to him or some shit. He'll trust you."

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "Fine, i'll try asking him tonight."

Jimin smiles.



Jungkook and Namjoon where in Namjoon's room, watching a movie. They were sitting with each other on the bed, enjoying their peaceful night.

"Yes?" Namjoon responds, looking at him.

Jungkook feels his tongue tie in a knot. "You like Jaehwan?"

Namjoon's eyebrows furrow. "Yes, why do you ask?"

Jungkook shrugs. "I don't know. It just you trusted him so easily." he says, trying to be careful of what he says, not wanting to make Namjoon angry.

Namjoon sighs, putting his hand over Jungkook's shoulder and bringing him closer. "I don't know why. It's just...I think i've been wanting someone to call family for, almost my entire life. My mother left me, my father died, and my Nana died. Everyone left me. No siblings or close relatives wanted me.

I had to make my way through life, and I knew since I was young, that I wanted to be just like my father. He was a big role model for me, and his death was the hardest thing for me to over come in my entire life. He is special to me. That's why, when Ken came here, explaining to me that he is my brother, it all correlates with what happened between my family.

Ken isn't evil, he wouldn't make up these lies. I've just been wanting someone to call family for my whole life and now that I found someone, I want to take advantage of him. I want to take advantage before he ends up leaving me, just like everyone else." Namjoon ends. He couldn't help but get teary-eyed when he spoke of his failed past. That was something he was very sensitive of, and he doesn't want to speak of it.

"Joon, I understand. Thank you for sharing your past and thoughts with me. I believe you." Jungkook says softly.

Namjoon smiles. "You really are special, Kook."


"Did he tell you anything?" Jimin asks Jungkook once they're in the car. Namjoon had sent them to observe Seokjin's house, for some weird reason which they didn't know.

"Yeah, he says he's just happy to finally have someone to call family. I believe him, Jaehwan doesn't seem like a bad guy, he just came all of the sudden." Jungkook nods.

"Hmm, checking out the beauty's house, I wonder what for?" Jimin asks out loud while rubbing his chin.

"Namjoon said Jaehwan broke them up." Jungkook says as he looks out the window.

"Broke who up?"

"Are you stupid?" Jungkook says as he rolls his eyes. "Seokjin and V, obviously. Do you not remember? It's only been like, 2 months." he says, slightly annoyed.

"They were together?!" Jimin exclaims as he takes his sunglasses off and looks at Jungkook. They were currently at a red light.

"You really didn't know? Why would he come and take him? Are you really that dumb?" Jungkook says. He was annoyed at this point.

"If anything, I though he was dating that one guy that saved him. The one with the heart smile. He smiled once he had him in his arms. I didn't expect him and V to be dating."

"Jimin, you really are something. Do you not remember the reason we kidnapped Jin in the first place? It's because we thought he and V had something, and we wanted to sabotage him. Jimin, you have issues."

"I forgot, okay? Now leave me alone. How did Jaehwan break them up?" Jimin says as he steps on the gas once the light flashes green.

"He sent Jin flowers and I suppose V got jealous. They broke up and haven't been with each other for a while now." Jungkook says nonchalantly.

"Ahh, jealousy is a dangerous disease." Jimin says.

"For sure. Anyway, that's why we're going to his house." Jungkook says.

"Hmm, so he's single?" Jimin says, smiling mischievously.

"I guess, but I don't think he'd date you even if you paid him." he says while laughing.

"Shut up. Who wouldn't want me? I'm daddy." he says, which makes Jungkook laugh even louder.

"Stop saying dumb stuff before you embarrass yourself even more." Jungkook says giggling as he wipes the tears from his eyes for laughing too much.

Jimin rolls his eyes. A few minutes later, they arrive to Seokjin's house. The house looks really lonely. They park the car across the street and peek around. They find the front door slightly open.

"Who forgets to close their front door?" Jimin scoffs.

"Don't know, don't think he would be dumb enough to do that. Let's go in." Jungkook says.

They step in and the house is silent; only their footsteps could be heard. They walk around and check the house. Jungkook crouches down as he sees some spot on the floor. He touches it and the substance stains his finger red. He brings it up to his nose and sniffs at the all too familiar metallic smell.


Jimin comes from upstairs and looks at him. Jungkook stands up and shows him his finger.

"What's that?" Jimin asks as he kneels down.



wonder what happened to seokjin 👀

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