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"I'm ready! Are you ready?!"

"Jin, i've been ready for twenty minutes, babe."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go! We don't have time to waste!"

"Seokjin, we have one hour before your scheduled meeting. Relax-."

"I can't! So many things can happen in an hour! There could be traffic! There could be an accident. Maybe the office is closed. Maybe the roads are closed. Maybe the outfit i'm wearing isn't appropriate! Too many bad outcomes Tae! It's better to be prepared than to regret later."

Taehyung sighs. "The only way something bad happens is if you keep overthinking things. Calm down. Nothing like that is going to happen."

Seokjin lays back in the car seat. "See! Now I can be a bit more calm since we're in the car." He closes his eyes with a smile on his face. "Roll out!"

Taehyung turns the car on, "Calm down Optimus Prime, we aren't transformers." he jokes.

Seokjin opens one eye to look at him, "Hey, if I didn't have a meeting, i'd be kicking your ass right now."

"No one is stopping you." Taehyung said while backing out the parking spot.

"Oh! You're saying that now. Just wait until we box this weekend at Namjoon's, you'll be dead meat." Seokjin threatens.

"Whatever you say, kitten."


"Hello, i'm Kim Seokjin. I'm here for a meeting with Mr.Jeno."

The secretary nods. "Ahh, yes. Follow me and i'll show you to his office."

Seokjin nods and smiles back at Taehyung who's sitting in a chair in the waiting area. He gives him a boxy smile and two thumbs up, making Seokjin feel good about this meeting. He follows behind the secretary until they're in front of an ominous dark brown wood door. She knocks on the door and they hear a faint, "Come in", which they do.

There's a middle-aged man sitting in a swivel chair. He nods to the secretary, who takes that as her sign to leave. He shows his hand to the chair in front of his desk, which Seokjin sits in as he sets his folder on top of the desk nicely.

"Hello, nice to meet you at last, Kim Seokjin." he says as he extends his arm.

They shake hands. "It's nice to meet you as well, Mr. Jeno." Seokjin replies.

Jeno nods, "Yes. First of all, i'd like to ask your form of transportation in which you've reached my office. I know you are currently living in Daegu, so I want to know if it's a big bother for you to get here every day." he asks.

"My boyfriend has told me he'd take the task of bringing me to work every morning, and also picking me up every evening. Busan is just a drive away is what he said. It's not much of a bother, Mr. Jeno."

"That's good. I was feeling a bit guilty by wanting to contract you with you living so far, but you have reassured me it isn't a big deal, is that right?"

"Yes, that's right." Seokjin nods, confirming.

"Alright. So, you've graduated from Daegu University about a month ago. From what I seen, you've passed with flying colors, which is very impressive. I knew I made the correct decision when you sparked my interest. Without any further ado, i've noticed every criteria that is required for a job here; you've done. There isn't much left for you but to train, except for filling your application out. So sadly, you'll have to make your commute here for a few days.

From what I can see, you're a fine young man who's ready for the work environment in one of my restaurants. It would be my pleasure to have you working here. If you decide you to want to accept my proposal.." he stops as he takes a packet out from a drawer by his side. "Please fill this packet out as soon as possible, and if you accept, your work here can begin as soon as a week after your application is submitted. If you have no more questions, that's all you'll need to do." Jeno said with a smile.

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