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"Jin! I'm sorry! Come back!" Taehyung calls as he follows behind Seokjin.

Seokjin ignores him and walks into his room. He slams the door closed. Taehyung goes up to it and knocks.

"Jin, open the door." he continues saying, but he gets tired of waiting. He goes downstairs and gets the keys for the doors of the rooms. He gets the key and unlocks the door. He goes inside the room and locks it, in case Seokjin will want to leave.


Seokjin is laying on his bed under the covers. Taehyung sighs and sits on the bed.

"Jin, i'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so rude to you. I just...don't like that you and Yoongi had something before." Taehyung says as he tries uncovering Seokjin, at least to see his face.

"Taehyung, that's the past. I'll always love him...but him and I know we can't be." Seokjins says with his voice muffled under the covers.

"I know but I can't help myself. I really want to be with you. I don't want you to regret giving me a chance. Jin, come out please."

Seokjin uncovers his eyes, so he can see Taehyung. "Not yet. You haven't deserved it."

"What do you mean? I apologized!"

"Ahh Tae, you don't always get things so easily. You have to work hard sometimes. An apology won't get you everything."

"Fine. What do I have to do?"

Seokjin thinks. "Hmm, how about....you leave me alone!" He says as he goes under the covers again.

"Jin! Stop playing around." Taehyung whines.

"Tae! I'm going to sleep."

"Fine. I'm going to eat." Taehyung says as walks out the room.

He walks to the kitchen and remembers; he can't cook. He clicks his tongue in annoyance. Yoongi isn't there to cook something, so he looks in the cabinets for food. He finds a few packs of ramen. He was going to make it but he sees it's only spicy ramen.

"Oh hell no. I don't know how people like that shit." he says as he throws the package back in the cabinet. He gets his keys and decides to go out for food. He drives out and decides not to bring something for Seokjin.

"He can suffer." he says with a smirk before turning the radio up and driving back home.


Seokjin laughed as he heard Taehyung leaving. He knew there wasn't many food in the house, but he had bought food prior. There was surprisingly a mini fridge in his room, so he had kept it there to suprise the 3 with food. He thought they'd all be there, but only he and Taehyung are. He takes out the food from the fridge and goes downstairs to the kitchen.

He sets the ingredients down and begins making the japchae. He knew how to cook, that's why he was going to college for a culinary major. He loved the shop, so he wanted to buy a bigger building to make a little restaurant with the shop in the future. He would do the two things he loves.

He takes out his phone and starts playing music. He had recently gotten into a new Kpop group named ATEEZ. He was listening to their last comeback's title track, Wonderland. He was trying to imitate some of the dance moves, only to laugh as he thought he looks stupid.

He continues listening to music and soon finishes making the noodles. He turns the stove off and goes upstairs to shower. When he goes back down stairs, he sees Taehyung standing with his mouth agape staring at the food.

"What's wrong Taehyungie?" he asks in a teasing tone.

"You know how to cook?!" he asks shocked.

Seokjin nods and walks to get himself a bowl. "Of course I know, why else would I have a culinary major?" he asks as he begins serving himself.

"I didn't know, you never told me your major." Taehyung says as he eyes Seokjin. His strawberry scent was really hitting his senses. He gulps as he sees Seokjin's long legs from the shorts he's wearing. He was wearing and over- sized sweater, making him look more adorable. Now to mention how good he's look under Taehyung doing-

"You like the view?" Seokjin asks as he sits in a chair at the table.

"Yeah, can I take a picture?" Taehyung asks as he takes his phone out.

"Sure." Seokjin says as he turns in the chair and looks at Taehyung. He looks at the phone, crosses his legs and shows his signature tight lipped smile with a peace sign. Taehyung takes the picture, maybe more than one. Seokjin turns and takes his chopsticks and begins eating the noodles.

Seokjin moans as he takes the first bite. "Mhmm, it's been so long since i've had this. Fuck." he moans as he takes more bites.

Taehyung watches him with his mouth agape. He loves the way Seokjin's eyes are closed as he eats and the melodious noice of his moaning. Him cursing makes it a lot better. It's makes him wonder how'd he sound when Taehyung is pounding his cock into Seokjin's tight-

"I'm hungry!" Taehyung blurts. He knew he had bought food, but he'd thrown that food away as soon as he had seen Seokjin's cooking. He hasn't seen homemade food like that since his mother died, many years ago.

"You can serve yourself." Seokjin says with a smile.

Taehyung groans, he was hoping Seokjin would serve him, giving him a chance to check him out again. He goes over to the pot and serves himself. He sits down next to Seokjin.

He gets his chopsticks and puts some noodles in his mouth. His eyes widen as the noodle's flavors hit his taste buds.

"You like it?" Seokjin asks as he looks over at him.

Taehyung closes his eyes and nods. "Fuck yeah. I haven't eaten food this good in so long. Thank you Jin."

"You're welcome." Seokjin answers as he blushes.

After eating, Taehyung washes their dishes.

"You know.." He starts and waits for Seokjin to look at him. "I'm still kinda hungry."

Seokjin furrows his eyebrows. "But you just ate?"

"I'm still hungry." he says while walking closer to Seokjin.

"Hungry for what?" Seokjin asks curiously.

Taehyung stands in front of Seokjin and brings him closer. He holds his waist tightly; their lips centimeters away.



since many of you wanted some real taejin :))

smut next chapter? or should we just leave it at that? 😏 i'll be writing based on your responses 😌.


stan ATEEZ!

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