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"Mr.Kim here will be giving birth at any moment. It wouldn't surprise me if it happened tonight. You are still able to go back home. If you can't take the pain of the contractions, or if something happens, make sure you call 911 immediately." 

"Okay, thank you doctor."

Taehyung takes Seokjin's hand and helps him up off the bed. He wraps his arm around his waist and Jin smiles at him. They walk out to the parking lot and Taehyung helps him get into the car before he goes to the other side and drives back to their home.


"How are you feeling hmm?" Taehyung asks Seokjin.

He was sitting down on a chair eating dinner. "I feel okay right now."

Taehyung reaches over and threads his fingers through his hair before giving him a kiss on the head, "Okay, tell me if you feel anything."

Jin nods and drops his fork. His face scrunches in pain and he groans. Taehyung hurries and notes that down on the paper. They knew that they should track everytime Seokjin has contractions. The doctor has asked them to do so. (i learned it's good to do this at school so i'm just putting it here :))

"Are you okay?! Do you need anything?!" Taehyung asked worried. He hated seeing Seokjin in pain, it hurt his heart.

"I-I'm good, Tae. Don't worry. Can you help me shower so we can go to bed? I'm exhausted." Jin said weakly.

Taehyung nodded and took him to the bathroom. They showered together before going to bed.

"If you need anything, please tell me, Seokjin." Taehyung says while looking into his eyes. Seokjin made him a lot more nervous than he thought he would. He wanted to see Seokjin well again and not in pain, with their beautiful babies by their side.

"I will, Tae. Don't worry. Let's just sleep, okay?"

Taehyung nodded and leaned down to kiss Jin's stomach, which made him giggle. Taehyung hugged Seokjin from the back and rubbed his stomach gently, making them both fall asleep quickly.


"Taehyung! W-Wake up.." Jin whimpered as he held his stomach. His shorts were wet and he was feeling extreme pain.

Taehyung eyes open up instantly, "What's wrong baby?"

Jin's eyes were tearing up, "M-My water b-broke." he said as he let out a moan of pain.

Taehyung shot up from the bed and ran to get the bag they had prepared for this moment. He carried Jin bridal style out to their car and hurried over to his side before speeding to the hospital.


"Aghh!" Jin screamed as he grabbed on the bed handle harder.

They were currently in Jin's room and he was now almost ready to go into labor. Taehyung wasn't allowed into the room, which enraged him. They told him he would be allowed in in a few minutes, but that time hasn't come. He felt like crying in frustration because he was hearing Jin's cries of pain and he wasn't in the room to be able to console him.

"I'm sorry, but if i'm not allowed in by permission, i'll go in there by force. There's no reason for me to not be allowed inside with my husband!" Taehyung said angrily to the nurse, who was frightened by his outburst.

"Mr.Kim, you are allowed in." A doctor said from the side.

"Hmm, thank you!" Taehyung said sarcastically and went into the room.

He saw Seokjin laying with his legs up and his head thrown back. His face was red and covered in sweat; his hands were holding tightly onto the bed handle, to the point where his veins were popping out. Taehyung gasped and went to him.

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