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"Seokjin is your brother?!" Taehyung says as he turns to look at Namjoon.

Namjoon looks at him in shock. "I-I don't know. H-How?" he mutters. Saying he was shocked was a very low understatement. He was way beyond shocked. He felt like he was going to actually faint.

"Joon? You look a little pale. Come sit down." Jimin says as he guides him to a chair.

Namjoon sits down and puts his head in his hands. "S-Seokjin...I tried to kill my own brother."

The other males stay silent as they watch Namjoon slowly breaking down. After a moment of silence, all of the sudden, his head looks up and he gets up.

"We're getting him back. Right now." he says firmly then goes over to a door and enters another room. The artillery and combat clothes is stocked up. He takes some and changes into them.

The other males quickly follow behind him. They do the same and then Jungkook enters last.

"I tracked the place and it's about an hour away. We should getting moving as fast as possible." he says as he changes out of his clothes.

"Yes." Namjoon goes over and grabs a walkie-talkie. "Listen, everyone come in the vault and get geared up. A last minute mission has been set. This is not a drill. This may be the most important mission you'll go on. We leave in less than 20 minutes. Over."

Namjoon goes back upstairs and sees men ruining around. He was going to do this, once and for all. He was going to get his rightful revenge, even if his target is different. Jaehwan shouldn't have messed with his family. He has now awaken a wrath in Namjoon, which won't die down until he sees the end of the traitor. No matter what he has to do.


"Hm, I guess these men didn't want to listen to my warning, Seokjinnie~!"

Ken walks into the bathroom in the midst of Seokjin changing. He had finally been allowed to take a shower and was feeling a bit more refreshed.

"Guess your little friends are coming." Ken taunts.

Seokjin's breath hitches. 'No! No! No! No! No!'

"Don't worry love, this will be fun." Ken smirks as he caresses his cheek and gives him a sloppy kiss. Seokjin cringes and wants to scream.

"Let's go get you back in your place? We'll show them that Lee Jaehwan isn't someone to mess with." he says with a smirk before taking Seokjin's hand and waking him out into a different basement.

"Hongseok! Get the men ready. It's time."

The man bows and does as his boss says. Soon, there's men surrounding the building and are ready to attack. Ken looks at Seokjin while tying him up into the chair.

"I can't wait to see their reactions when they see how fucked up you look. Don't worry, they won't have to look at you for too long, not after I get rid of them." he smirks.

"Ken, you don't have to do this-"

"Jin, didn't I tell you not to speak unless you're told to? Don't make me punish you again. Don't you want to look nice when they look at you for the last time?"

Seokjin stays silent. Ken smiles. "That's what I thought." He tightens the rope around Jin's wrists, which cut at them. Seokjin winces in pain as his skin cuts and starts bleeding. His eyes water but he keeps them in so he won't get in trouble.

"I'll be back in a while Seokjinnie." Ken says and taps his cheek before walking away and leaving Seokjin in the dark.

"Time to get this plan in action." Ken smirks as he gets in front of his computer. He had set up cameras in Namjoon's house before he had left. He was laughing as he watched them all scurry around.

"Let the fun begin."


Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook get into the same truck while the other three get in another one. They put in their microphones and settle in the car.

"We're going now. Over." Namjoon days.

"Got it. Over." Taehyung says.

The trucks start up and they're on there way to the location. The hour drive felt like a million years. The anticipation was killing them. Who knew what Ken could be doing to Seokjin at the moment.

They arrive at the location and get out the trucks. The men assemble into their own groups. In this case, there were 6 groups. Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung, and Yoongi were leading each one. They were busy going over their plans when all of the sudden, one men of each groups falls. They had been shot with a bullet in the back of their heads.

The men scurry to hide under some type of protection.

"Fucking shit, they have snipers." Namjoon curses into the mic.

"He sure is smart." Jimin says.

"Well, we are smarter." Taehyung scoffs.

"Let's get moving. If we need more men, say the code word and more men will come. We're not leaving this place with Seokjin." Namjoon commands.

All men agree as they infiltrate the building. Some men get hit instantly, but there's no time to worry about that. Now that they're inside, it's every man for themselves. That is, until Seokjin is out of there, safe and sound.



this is just a short filler chapter, but i will update once again tonight before i fall asleep :)

be ready for some more mature content and also a heart breaking tragedy :(

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