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2 days before

Seokjin woke up, his head pounding. He didn't even realize when he had fallen asleep. He guesses he cried until he fell asleep. His heart was shattered. How was Ken capable of doing such things?

He got up from the couch he slept on and walked to the bathroom. He needs a very warm bath to think and wash away the emotions he'd been feeling. Of course, that led to him sobbing his heart out while showering. But it is better for him to let his emotions out instead of keeping them bottled up.

After he is ready, he walks to his kitchen with his red face and swollen eyes. The slap from Taehyung left the imprint of his hand on Seokjin's right cheek. Seokjin didn't even remember Taehyung did that until he felt a stinging pain when he had woken up and when the water hit his face.

He had to go to school and his shop the next day, but the mark wouldn't be able to disappear right away. He'd have to stay with the mark for a few weeks. He makes himself some chamomile tea and sits on the couch, crossing his legs, sipping on the tea at times.

He wondered what he did to Ken. Why would Ken do this? He thought Ken was his friend. I guess time does change people. He sets the cup down on the table.

It isn't worth to cry so much over Taehyung, is it? If Taehyung really did love him, wouldn't he have trusted him and heard his side of the story before going off on him? It really makes Seokjin think of him in a wrong way. But he feels he's guilty in a way.

He thinks he shouldn't have ever moved in with Taehyung. Things were easier when he lived in this house, even if he was alone. Yeah it
was more dangerous, and it still is, but he feels more at home in a sense. This was the home he grew up in, the home he's been living in for most of his life. How did he give in to Taehyung so easily? He doesn't even know himself. Love does make you make stupid decisions at times.

He loves Taehyung, but now he wonders if everything that Taehyung said to him was true. Of course, he might've lashed out at him at the moment, but he hopes maybe all the things he said were true. Taehyung isn't a bad person, to him at least.

Seokjin sighs. He's been thinking of these things on an ongoing loop since he came back from Taehyung's mansion. But the only thing he can do is forget what happened and try moving on.


Seokjin got up bright and early to go to his shop.

"Only 4 months left." he kept repeating to himself. Soon, he'd be out of school and would be working at a restaurant, paying off the rest of his tuition and the few loans he took out. Yeah, he knew he shouldn't have, but he knows he'll be able to pay it off soon.

He began walking to his shop and once he arrived, he felt his mood lighten up. This shop always brings back happy memories for him. His grandparents. That's all he wants to think of. The happy times he passed with them.

He attends the customers that came to his shop and before he knows it, he had to go to school. He was so relived Ken hadn't showed up, yet he was worried. What a coincidence he didn't show up the day after he sent those flowers huh. Seokjin knew he has to confront him somehow, and he was hoping that would be sooner that later.



Yoongi's POV:

I arrived to where Jin and his grandparents lived. I was really hoping they hadn't moved, but seeing as how Jin wasn't really fond of leaving his home, I figured he still lives here. I get out my car and go to his door. Since it's the afternoon, there's a chance he's here. I knock on the door and wait for him to open it.

"Yoongi?" Jin whispers to me once he sees me.

I smile a bit at him, letting him know I don't come for a bad reason.

"Why are you here?" he asks.

"I came to talk to you about what happened." I tell him straight up.

He nods as he gets what i'm talking about. He steps aside so I can walk in and he closes the door after. "You want something to drink?" he asks.

"No, i'm good, thanks."

We sit in his couch in silence. He looks tired. I look at him and he catches me.

"What do you want to ask?"

"I just want to know what happened."

He sighs. "I-I was coming back from seeing my grandparents. I was really sad and didn't want to talk to anyone and I told Tae that. He was in my room in the dark waiting for me I guess. After I said that, he went off on me. He even hit me. Yoongi, I swear, I wouldn't do that to him. Ken, he did that on purpose, I haven't even seen him. I wanted to confront him but he disappeared.

Yoongi, please, believe me. You know I wouldn't hurt someone like that. I was sad and now I feel even worse. I don't want to feel like this. I just know he won't forgive me. Why would he?" he was full on crying.

I reach over and hug him tight. I rub his back as he cries on my shoulder. His hands tug on my shirt and my heart shatters with his painful sobs.

"It's okay Jin. I believe you. Don't worry, everything will be better soon."

He just keeps sobbing. I make sure to give him the support he needs. I know he must feel really bad. First I hurt him, then his only family left, now Taehyung hurt him. He doesn't deserve all of this. I don't know how much I regret ever breaking his heart. If I could rewind time and be with him happily, i'd take that chance in a heartbeat.



this story is so sad at the moment, i'm sorry, but these things have to happen for the plot.

also, don't trust everything that the characters say ;)

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