21 - Love, For real

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"Oscar! Oscar! Wake up!"

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"Oscar! Oscar! Wake up!"

I rocked Oscar's body and lifted his arm from around my waist. "Oscar!" He quickly sat up. "What is it? What's wrong Maria?"

"Oscar my legs hurt, really bad."

He relaxed and laid back down. Then he laughed a little.

"Why are you laughing Oscar?"

"Baby, you're okay. Your legs hurt from what we did last night." I frowned, "Why?"

"Because your muscles got stretched out a lot last night. You used some muscles your body hasn't used before. So you're just a little sore. It'll go away in a few hours." He pulled me back down next to him and kissed me. "Lay back and get some more rest." He squeezed my thigh gently. "You're going to need it." I shivered a little and laid back down. Burying my body in as close to his as I could. He wrapped his arms around me tight. 

I felt so safe with Oscar. I loved him so much. I never wanted to leave his side. 

"What do you mean?"


Oscar opened his eyes at the yelling coming from his living room. "What's wrong?"

He looked at me. "I don't know baby, but I'm going to find out." He kissed my forehead and then eased his way off of the bed. He was completely naked and I couldn't help but to look at his body. I started having flashbacks of what that body did with mine a few hours ago. It gave me chills all over my body. He put on some grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

"I'll be right back. Stay right here."

I nodded.

As he closed the door behind him I could hear him whisper yell. "What the fuck?! Maria is trying to sleep!"

I pulled the covers up to my neck and rolled over onto Oscar's side of the bed. It still smelled like him. I took a big whiff of his pillow. I love everything about this man. Even though I never thought I would be able to love anyone besides Rico. Oscar has already shown me what love is really like.

Then as I lay there thinking about Oscar I placed my hand on my stomach. I was still pregnant with Rico's baby. I grabbed my stomach. I didn't want to be. I didn't want to be pregnant with Rico's baby. I didn't want to have his child. 

All of a sudden I started to feel nauseous. I felt like throwing up. Then I felt it rising in my throat.

I stood up from my side of the bed and walked as quickly as I could to the bathroom while covering my mouth with my hands. Once I made it to the toilet I fell to my knees and started to throw up. As I threw up I started crying. I cried as it all came up. It was all starting to hit me. 

I'm having morning sickness. I really was pregnant.

When I finished, I stood up and rinsed my mouth out. I stood at the sink and stared at my reflection in the mirror. For once I didn't have any bruises or marks on my body or my face. For once I didn't have to cover my face with make up to hide my bruises. But this time Rico hurt me in a way that I wouldn't be able to hide. In a few months everyone would be able to see what he did to me. I couldn't let that happen.

I wouldn't let it happen.

Once everything was in the clear with Rico and Oscar I was going to get Rico out of my life for good.

I looked down at my stomach again.

I was going to eliminate any and everything of him from my life,



Ugh, Maria is pregnant for real!

But what did she mean by eliminating Rico from her life forever?

Maria Maria | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now