50 - An Angel's Intuition

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Angel walked in the house

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Angel walked in the house. More like barged in like he owned the house. "What the fuck do you mean you can't find Maria?!"

I ran my hand down my face. "She was here when we left. But now she's not answering her phone or anything." I slammed down the cup I was drinking from. "Fuck!"

"What's going on?" Santi asked as he walked in the house with Leana right behind him. Angel sighed, "We don't know where Maria is."

Leana frowned, "Wait? What?!" Angel looked over at me, he could tell I was getting stressed. Leana turned to Santi, "What if the Prophets....?" I looked over at her. Then my eyes dropped to the table. I started thinking about everything that had took place in the last 24 hours. It couldn't be the Prophets, not this soon. Maybe she walked somewhere, but where? Why would she leave the house? Where would she go if she did leave?

"Angelina!" I shouted as I jumped up from my chair. 

Everybody turned and looked at me. "She probably went to see Angelina. Right? I mean, where else would she go?"

They looked around at each other and agreed. Angel stood up, "Let's go then fool. What we waiting around here for?" I nodded, grabbing my keys and then we all headed out the door. "Angel, you ride with me. Leana and Santi, follow us in your car." They nodded and then we headed out.

I was gripping the steering wheel so hard my knuckles were starting to turn white. I just had this feeling that something was wrong. I was praying that the feeling was wrong, that I was wrong and that everything was okay. But I couldn't shake the feeling. It just wouldn't go away. As we pulled up in front of the hospital I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. It was fucked up that I didn't know where Maria was. What was even more fucked up was that I would have to tell Maria what happened with Lucia. It was making me sick to my stomach that I let her do that to me. 

"Everything okay Spooky?" 

I looked up at Angel. "Yeah, let's go."

We got out the car and walked inside. Santi and Leana were right behind us. We got up to the NICU and I pressed the button for the nurse's station. "Hello, can I help you?" "Yes, My name is Oscar Diaz, I wanted to visit my daughter Angelina Diaz." They didn't say anything for a moment and it started to make me anxious. "Okay, I'll let you in Mr. Diaz." The door buzzed and I walked inside. I turned around behind me and looked at Angel. "Come with me." He nodded and walked in behind me. We walked up to the nurse's station to sign in. The nurse sitting at the computer smiled at me as she handed me the clipboard. I gave her a weird look in return and frowned at her. 

She stood up and smiled in face. "Your daughter is so beautiful." I nodded, "Thanks." "She looks just like you." 

This bitch is really trying to flirt with me, while I'm trying to see my premature daughter. I ignored her and signed my name on the sign in sheet. I looked up a few spots and saw where Maria had signed her name. But then just a few spots above her name I see my name. Except it wasn't my name. Someone else had signed in with my name. I frowned up again. Who would sign in here under my name?

Angel signed in after me and then we followed another nurse to the back. She handed us the garments to put on, on top of our clothes. Once we were changed and had sanitized our hands we walked into the waiting room. The nurse smiled at us as she walked in with Angelina. "I'm so glad that you came to visit. Angelina has been crying non stop for some reason." I frowned up as I took her into my hands. "She has?" She nodded, "Yeah, ever since Maria left earlier." My eyes opened up wide, "Maria was here?" I rocked Angelina softly until she stopped crying. The nurse nodded, "Um hmm. She left in a hurry, but she was here a few hours ago." 

Angel tripped a little and hit the door frame. "Damn. What is all over the floor?" We all looked down at the floor and I saw small white beads all over the floor. Angel knelt down, took off his gloves and picked one up. He held it up to his face and then showed it to me. "Maria." It was the beads from Maria's bracelet. She always wore it. On her left hand. I turned to the nurse, "Uh, you said Maria was here earlier. Was anyone with her?" "Actually yes, there was a guy here with her. He was about her height. He had some beady eyes and a nasty little attitude."

"We have to go, now." I handed Angelina back to the nurse. "I'm sorry. I'll be back to see Angelina tomorrow. I really have to go." "Okay." I took off all of the garments and threw them in the trash. Angel was right behind me. "Spooky what's going on? Who was here?" "Rico." We walked out into the lobby. Santi and Leana jumped up when they saw the look on our faces. "What's wrong? Is Angelina okay?" I nodded, "She's fine. But Maria is in danger. Rico got her again." 

Leana balled up her small fists, "Are you fucking kidding me? Ugh, I hate that little puto so fucking much!" Santi rubbed her shoulders, "Calm down mamita." We got into the elevator and started to ride down to the first floor. I reached up and grabbed my head. "I'm supposed to protect her. I told her that I would never let him hurt her again." I could feel the tears coming into my eyes. I couldn't cry, not right here in front of everybody. I balled up my fists and punched the elevator door, putting a huge dent into it. 

Angel put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "It's okay, we're going to find her."

I hope so. I really fucking hope so.


I just hope they find her in time

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