52 - Broken

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Two days had passed since Rico had taken me

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Two days had passed since Rico had taken me. Two days. Two days away from Oscar. Two days without knowing if Angelina is okay. It was getting harder and harder to hold on to my emotions. I had no choice though. I had to stay stable, because Rico was far from it. Ever since he bought me here Rico had been going through an emotional spiral. I don't know if it was because he felt bad for all of the years of abuse that he had put me through or what it was exactly. I just knew that something was deeply wrong with him. He was worse than before. This version of him scared me more than anything. This version of him was unpredictable and unstable. He was capable of doing anything.

My worst fear, was that he would kill me and then himself.

He stumbled out of the bathroom and hit the wall. Then he immediately looked over at me and pointed. "You!"

My eyes shot open in fear. He had been in the bathroom for the past hour with the door locked and the shower running. I had knocked on the door to check on him and he cried to me, telling me to just go away. Telling me to leave him alone like I had already done. I didn't know what to do. This was not a Rico that I understood. This Rico was not all the way together.

"You didn't run?!"

I shook my head. "No." He started laughing hysterically. "Why not?! You left when Spooky came for you! Or is that it? You're waiting on him to come for you again? You're waiting on him to come save you? Be your cholo in shining cortez's?" He laughed as he walked closer to me. I shrinked back towards the head of the bed. Trying to get out of his reach. That didn't work though. He moved around the bed and came right up to me. Grabbing a fistful of my hair and forcing me to look him directly in his face. He pulled me right up to his face. All I could smell was the vodka he had been drinking for days and the weed that he had just finished smoking. "You think he's going to find you?!"

I just looked at him. I didn't say anything at all. I could feel myself starting to succumb to my emotions. But I was so tired. So tired of his shit. So tired of his abuse. I was just tired. I wanted him to leave me alone. "He's not fucking coming Maria!" I shook my head. "Oh, you don't want to hear that? HE'S NOT COMING!"

I frowned up hard. He stood there, gripping my hair as tight as he could. Then he started laughing in my face. "Don't you fucking get it mami? He's not going to save you this time. It's just me and you. Me and you Maria." I felt my hands start to ball up into tiny fists as he taunted me. I started to feel a fire start to burn in my chest. All of his words were building up inside of me. I hated this man.

Before I knew what I was doing I pulled back one of my arms and swung my fist directly at Rico's face. I connected with his chin and watched him fall back onto the floor. Rico looked up at me with a shocked look. I was shocked too. I scared myself by what I had just done. He licked the inside of his mouth and then looked at me with rage in his eyes. "Bitch you busted the inside of my cheek!"

I quickly got off of the bed and started to run towards the door but Rico was faster. As soon as I got the door open he slammed it back shut. I cried out as he grabbed my hair again. He pulled me back and threw me against the stand that was holding up the small flat screen tv. The tv flew off of the stand as I flew across the side of the stand. He wasn't anywhere near done with me. I scrambled up to my feet. He looked at me and started to smirk. "Now what?! What are you going to do now Maria? You have nowhere to fucking go. You have no one coming to save you. You have no one and nothing."

I shook my head. Then I took off running towards the bathroom. Rico was right on my heels. Chasing after me. He was able to grab my leg just as I got into the bathroom. I reached into the bathroom to grab onto something. Anything. Anything that I could use to pull myself up. His nails were digging into my thigh, pulling me closer to him as we both scrambled on the floor.

What happened next, happened so fast that I still don't believe that it happened. I'm not sure exactly how it happened. But I continued to reach out for something in the bathroom. Rico started to pull me towards him and I grabbed the only thing within my grasp. I quickly broke the glass vodka bottle against the doorframe of the bathroom as Rico continued to pull me towards him. He moved his hands from my legs and started towards my neck. But before he could grab me, I plunged the broken glass of the bottle that I was holding directly into his neck. Right on the side of his neck. I pulled it back and then darted it right back into his neck again. When I pulled it back out this time Rico moved away from me.

I watched as he stood up and stumbled backwards. He clutched his neck with both hands. Trying to contain the blood that was pouring and shooting out from the punctured arteries and veins. No matter what he did or how he positioned his hands, the blood wouldn't stop. He backed into the door and slid down. Just holding his neck and staring at me. I sat there on the floor. On my knees. Staring in horror at what I had just done. My hands started shaking as I listened to Rico cough and gasp as he took his last breath. After a few minutes I knew he was dead. He wasn't moving anymore and the blood had started to slow down. But his eyes, his eyes were still open and staring at me.

Telling me exactly what I had done.

I had killed him.

I had killed Rico.


Maria is finally free of Rico

How do you guys feel?

Do you think this is going to change her?

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