41 - I'm a Dad

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The nurses helped us get dressed in the suits that we had to wear into the NICU

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The nurses helped us get dressed in the suits that we had to wear into the NICU. We were covered from head to toe in this blue fabric type stuff. We washed our hands like three times and then put on gloves and masks. I looked at Maria. "You do this every time you come to see her?" She nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I know it's a lot, pero we don't want her to get her sick." I nodded.

I followed Maria inside and we both sat down in some chairs. I didn't notice that I was shaking my leg up and down until Maria reached out and touched it. "It's okay Oscar." I looked at her and nodded. I stopped shaking my leg, or tried to. 

A nurse walked into the room with a small rolling thing. It looked like a little bassinet on wheels or something. "Are you the father?" I nodded. "You two have a beautiful little girl." I smiled. "Thank you." She rolled over the little bassinet. "Which one of you wants to hold her first?"

Maria smiled at me and then turned to the nurse. "Oscar. It's his first time seeing her." The nurse nodded and reached inside to pick up the baby. She had a few cords attached to her and a tube in her nose. I started to frown and I felt the tears forming in my eyes. Maria reached over and touched my arm. "I know. It's hard seeing her with cords and tubes. But she's here. That's all that matters. She's going to be okay." I nodded. The nurse walked up to me. "Be gentle and make sure you support her head really well." I opened up my arms and my hands and took my daughter into them. She was so small. She felt like she probably weighed like half a pound. She was sleeping so peacefully. I just watched as her small chest rise and fell with every breath. I looked up at Maria who was looking at me. "What's her name?"

Maria shook her head. "I didn't. I, I wanted to wait for you." 

I looked back down at our daughter. "Angelina Maria Diaz"

I looked up at Maria. She was tearing up and nodded her head hard. "That's so beautiful! I love it Oscar." I looked back down at our daughter. "Me too. Angelina, I can't wait for you to come home with your mami and papi."

Maria and I sat there obsessing over her and thinking about where to set up her things at home for about an hour. Then the nurse came back in to take Angelina back inside. I hated watching her being taken away, but I know she had to gain her strength and then one day she would be able to come home.

Me and Maria took off all the stuff we had to put on. Then walked back down the hallway to her room. "I can't wait to go home tomorrow. I'm ready to sleep in my own bed." Maria nodded. "I know what you mean." She opened the door and walked inside. We walked about three steps before stopping dead in our tracks.

The nurse that helped with Angel's rehab hit him on the shoulder and made him stop. He turned and saw us and quickly pulled his pants back up. "Shit, sorry. I didn't think you two would be back so soon." The nurse quickly fixed her pants and put her shirt back on. I couldn't help but laugh. Maria hit me on my arm. The nurse apologized to the both of us. "I'm so sorry." Angel smiled and hugged her. "Naya was my rehab nurse." We nodded. "Yeah, we remember." He leaned in and kissed her. 

She bit her lip as they pulled apart and then she looked back at us. "I should probably go Angel." He nodded. "Okay, I'll see you later, yeah?" She nodded and then apologized to us once more before leaving the room.

Angel threw up his hands. "I'm sorry you guys caught me with my pants down." He laughed. I laughed too. I couldn't lie, it was kind of funny. But Maria didn't laugh. I stopped laughing and tried to get serious. "But seriously, compa, you couldn't have found another place to get inside your little nurse." 

Angel smiled. "I didn't mean for things to go that far, but we were alone in the room for so long and then we started kissing and kissing led to touching and then the touching led to ..."

"Okay! I think we get it."

I turned to Maria. "I'm so sorry hermosa. How about this, let's talk to our doctors and see if we can get discharged tonight. Then we can go home. That sound good?" She nodded. "Okay. I'll go talk to my doctor and you talk to yours. I'll let you know what he says, okay?" She nodded her head. "Okay." 

I leaned down and kissed her. "I love you." She smiled. "I love you too." 

Then we felt Angel hug the both of us. "I love you guys too." I quickly pushed him back some. "Uh, uh fool. You were just balls deep in your nurse. Don't be touching us with your sex hands."

Angel and Maria laughed. I kissed Maria one more time and then nodded to Angel. "Let's go fool. I need to make sure we can leave tonight."

Angel nodded. "See you soon Maria."

She waved to the both of us as we left the room.

As we waited on the elevator I looked over at Angel. "Yo thank you for being there for her. I mean it." He nodded. "Of course. You're mi familia." I nodded. The elevator door opened and I walked in. "By the way, we named the baby Angelina Maria Diaz."

I turned around and Angel was stuck. He just looked at me. "Angel, you coming?" He frowned a little and then sniffled like he was holding back tears. "Seriously?"

I nodded. He ran into me and hugged me hard. "I love you bro!" I smiled and hugged him back. "I love you too."


So much love!

But Angel though....we knew he was gonna fuck that nurse sooner or later though 

Maria Maria | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now