49 - I wonder why?

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I sat quietly in the car the entire ride

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I sat quietly in the car the entire ride. After about an hour, Rico pulled up outside of a motel. It wasn't a nice looking motel either. I could tell by the type of people hanging around outside. He cut the car off and looked over at me. He scoffed, "You look like shit. Is this what he has you wear?" 

I looked down at my dress. "You should have never left me Maria." He sighed, "But you were never really the smartest girl were you?" He reached over and touched my face. "It's okay though. You're back where you belong. Right?" I nodded my head. He smiled, "Good girl." He got out of the car and walked over to my side. I got out as soon as he opened the door. He took my hand and led me to the third door, A-3. He opened the door and pulled me inside behind him.

"Sit down."

I listened and sat on the bed. The room smelled stale and there were empty liquor bottles spread all around the room. Rico walked over to the window and peeked out of the blinds. He did it twice, like he was scared of something or looking for someone. Then he walked over in front of me. "Where is Spooky?" I shook my head, "I don't know." He squinted as if he didn't believe me and then moved closer to me. He placed his hand on my face. "You wouldn't lie to me would you Maria?" I shook my head as I looked into his eyes. 

I couldn't read his expression. I wanted to trust that he believed me. I really didn't know where Oscar was at this certain moment. Even if I did, I would never tell him. 

He smiled and caressed my cheek with his thumb. Then he pulled back and slapped me.

I grabbed my cheek as I scrambled across the floor, trying to get away from Rico. I could feel my cheek heating up from where his hand connected with it. My cheek and my eyes were stinging. He walked over to me and crouched down to get eye level with me. "You better be telling the truth. He better not fucking find us Maria."

He stood back up and walked over to the bed. Taking his shirt off as he sat down. "Come over here." I hesitated for a moment but got up quickly so that he wouldn't get upset. I got off of the floor and walked over to him. He ran his hand down the side of my waist. "I missed you." He grabbed my hand. "I missed these too." I kept my eyes down. Staring at the floor. "Give me a massage Maria." I nodded and reached out to touch him.

"Not like that." He smirked, "Take off that dress."

I swallowed and looked down at my dress and then back up at him. "Um, do I - do I have to?" He looked at me, "Either you take it off or I rip it off. The choice is yours mami." I looked away from him as I slid one of the straps of my dress down, off of my shoulder. Then I did the same on the other side. I let the dress fall and then climbed onto the bed. Behind Rico. I started running my hands up his back as tears fell down my face. All I could think about was Oscar and Angelina. I closed my eyes and imagined being with them instead.

I imagined that I was at home cooking dinner for us. Taking a fresh batch of strawberry croissants out of the oven as Oscar walked in the front door, holding Angelina in her car seat. I smile at him as he walks in with his hands full. Car seat in one hand and a diaper bag and stroller in the other. "You need some help?" I ask him as I walk over to him. He leans down and kisses me on the forehead as I take the car seat from him. "How did she do at the park?" I ask him. He smiles, "She was good. It was her crazy tios who had the problem." I laugh, "Why? What happened?" "They kept acting like she was going to break or something. Saying she looked like she was too hot, then too cold, then thirsty, hungry. When all she really wanted to do was sit on my lap and watch the other kids play." I smiled, "An observer, just like her father." 

"Why did you stop?" 

I look up at Oscar and frown, "Huh?" 

"I said why did you stop?"

Then my eyes blinked rapidly as I woke up from my daydream. Rico was talking to me. Not Oscar.

"Maria? Did you hear me?" 

I nodded, "Sorry. Just got lost in a train of thought." I continued to rub his back and tried to go back to my daydream. Even though I was back living a nightmare.


Now what? Rico has Maria again!

How is Oscar going to find her?

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