53 - Broken Pt. 2

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Angel hung up his phone

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Angel hung up his phone. "The cholas haven't seen her and Cesar said that no one has come by the house." I slammed my hand against the dashboard. "Damn it!" I ran both of my hands down my face. "I just don't get it. Where the fuck could she be?" Angel shook his head. "I don't know, but we can't stop looking." 

I nodded. "You're right. It's just really starting to get to me. I can't lose her Angel. I can't. Maria keeps me grounded. She keeps me balanced. With her I never cross the line too much into Spooky." He nodded, "I know. And we will find her. Don't worry." I took a deep breath and started up the car. 

We drove around town for another hour. Still nothing. "I think we should check outside of town now." Angel looked over at me. "Okay." I pulled onto the freeway and got off on the first exit. 

"Let's check this little motel over here." 

I pulled over to the motel and parked. We scanned the parking lot and then I spotted Rico's blue jeep. "Aye, that's his truck right there." We both go out of the car and walked up to his jeep. Then I turned and looked at the motel room doors. "He's probably in one of these rooms right here." We walked up to the door directly in front of his jeep. Room A-3. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I didn't hear anything. Then I reached down and tried the knob of the door. It was unlocked. 

I looked at Angel, we both reached for our pistol and gave each other a nod. Then I opened the door slowly and walked inside the room. We both froze as we took in the scene inside the motel room. Maria was on the floor. Sitting on her knees, trembling. She was covered in blood and had a broken glass bottle in her hand. Tears were streaming down both of her cheeks and she was staring at something over on the other side of the room. Angel and I looked down at where she was staring and jumped back when we saw Rico's dead body. He was laid out on the floor. His hand was still around his throat and his eyes were still wide open. 

"Yo what the fuck happened?" Angel whispered. I shook my head. I looked up from Rico and back over at Maria. I started moving over to her. "Maria. Baby, are you okay?" She finally broke her stare and looked up at me. "Oscar?" I nodded, "It's me. It's me mamita." I moved over to her and knelt down right in front of her. "Maria, what happened?" I reached up and took the broken glass from her hand. 

She had a tight grip on it but I got it from her. I looked over at Angel and handed it off to him. "Maria? What happened?" I started looking over her. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" She just kept staring at me now. I cupped her face in my hands. "Maria? Are you okay?" She nodded her head slowly. "Maria did you?" She looked over at Rico and then started trembling again. I pulled her face back to look directly at me. She was still shaking in my hands. 

Angel looked around at the room. "Yo Spooky we should go. Before anyone comes checking on the rooms or some shit." 

I nodded. Then I stood up and scooped Maria up in my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck and held me as I carried her out of the room. She was still shaking. I walked out of the room and got to the car. I looked up at Angel. "Grab the keys from my pocket. I'm getting into the backseat with her." His eyes shot open. "You're going to let me drive Chulada?" I shot him a glare and he quickly grabbed the keys from my pocket. 

I helped Maria into the backseat and then climbed in behind her. Once we were in, I pulled her into my lap and held her tight. She held onto me just as tight. Angel got into the drivers seat and started up the car. He drove us back to Freeridge. 

Cesar met us at the car when we pulled up into the yard. "You found her?!" I nodded. He opened up the passenger door and pulled the seat forward so that we could get out. Once Maria was out she waited for me to get out. Then she immediately clung back to me. I picked her up again and walked inside. Santi, Leana and Sad Eyes were inside. Once they saw Maria their faces showed that they had a million questions. I just shook my head and took Maria to my room. I know she was in no state to talk to anyone about anything right now. I don't know exactly what happened in that motel room. But I just know right now Maria just needed me. She needed to know that she was safe and that everything was okay.

I sat her on my bed and walked to the bathroom to run her some bath water. Once I was done I stood her up and helped her undress. Then I walked with her to the bathroom. She got into the bathtub and just pulled her legs up to her chest. Wrapping her arms around them and sitting there. I frowned and closed my eyes tight. Fighting back the tears that I felt approaching. I don't know what happened to her. What Rico did to her. But it was killing me to see her like this. 

I grabbed the towel and washed her off. I washed all the blood from her hands and arms. Then I washed her hair as best I could. Once I was done I grabbed a big towel and helped her out of the bathtub. I dried her off and dressed her in one of my shirts and some boxers. She walked with me to the bed and I helped her get in. She just laid there, with that blank stare still on her face. I rubbed her back and her arm until I felt she was more relaxed.

After about thirty minutes, I leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I'll be right back." I was going to go try to talk to everyone that was waiting. I know Angel had filled them in on what we saw in the room. But just like me, everyone probably wanted to know how that scene unfolded. As I got to the door, I reached for the knob to open it. "Wait." I heard her faintly say. I turned around. "Please don't go. I don't want to be alone."

I nodded quickly and walked back over to her. Pulling the covers back again, I got under them with her and then pulled her close to me. She moved in as close as she could and put her head against my chest. "I'm right here okay." I felt her nod her head. I wrapped my arms around her and just laid there with her until she fell asleep.


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