51 - Room A3

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Rico was watching t

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Rico was watching t.v., sitting on the edge of the bed. I was sitting at the top end of the bed, balled up, holding my legs. I wanted to leave, run away, scream, anything. But I couldn't. I knew Rico's temper better than anyone. If I got him mad enough, he'd put me in the hospital. Again. My cellphone was dead. I couldn't get out of the hotel room long enough to try to call Oscar. I couldn't get out of the hotel room at all. 

"Maria, bebesita, are you hungry?" 


He turned around and smiled at me. "Okay." He patted the bed and stood up. Staggering to stay up on his own two feet. All Rico did, day and night, was drink. He had turned into a horrible alcoholic. To my surprise Rico wasn't as abusive while he was drunk as he was when he was sober. Instead he was very emotional. Last night he had a complete breakdown. He cried to me for hours about how sorry he was. Apologizing for almost everything that he had done to me. Wishing that Angelina was ours and that Spooky had never messed up our relationship. 

I never would have thought that I would be sitting on a bed with Rico crying into my lap and me rubbing his back, consoling him. He was and will always be one of the worst parts of my life. But part of me felt bad for him last night. As he cried to me about everything. I felt bad that he would never really know what it was like to love someone unconditionally. To actually have a family and kids. 

I quickly wiped away the tears that fell. I missed Oscar and Angelina so much. I just wanted to be home with the both of them. I rubbed my wrist and then I remembered that Rico had broken my favorite bracelet. It was the bracelet that I was wearing when I first met Oscar at Foot Locker with Rico. I had it on when I finally made it out of Rico's house and walked to Oscar's house. I had it on when Oscar and I had sex for the first time. Then I also had it on the day that Oscar and I found out that Angelina was his and not Rico's. 

I had to get out of here. I wasn't going to be able to make it without him. I couldn't make it without Oscar.

"Bebesita? Did you hear me?" 

I shook my head, "Sorry, I didn't." "I said that I ordered us some pizza." I nodded, "Okay." 

Then Rico turned all the way around to face me. "Maria?" I looked at him. "Why did you choose him? Why did you choose Spooky?" I was afraid to answer him. I didn't know what to say. If I answered him the wrong way, I was afraid he would either get mad or emotional. I didn't know what to expect. "Why Maria?" I shook my head. "So now you can't answer me? Maria I gave you the best years of my life. I did everything for you! I bought you that house, I paid all of the bills!" 

I was starting to get anxious. I could tell he was getting upset. My heart was starting to beat faster in my chest as he raised his voice with each statement.

"So why the fuck did you choose him?!" He shook his head. "I mean, you gave this motherfucker a damn baby and everything!" 

My teeth were starting to chatter in my mouth from the nervousness of not knowing what he was going to do next. He stood up and walked over to where I was sitting on the bed. "Was I not good enough?" 

I kept staring down at the bed. 

He grabbed my face hard and turned me so that I was facing him. "Bitch you fucking hear me talking to you! Was I not good enough?!" "Rico you're hurting me." He let me go and hovered over me on the bed. "I know I was a little harsh at times. But you have to know that I love you right. I mean, I wouldn't do the things I did or do if I didn't love you." I just stared up at his face, scared to move, too scared to talk. Rico didn't love me, I knew that now. I knew that because Oscar showed me what real love was. He taught me what real love felt like. 

"Do you still love me? Maria? Do you still love me bebesita?" 

I couldn't lie to him. The words wouldn't come out of my mouth if I wanted them too. I loved Oscar. I was so in love with Oscar. 

There were three loud knocks on the door. Rico moved off of me. "Pizza!" 

I took a huge breath in relief. Rico opened the door, paid for the pizza and sat it on the bed. He didn't say anything else. He just sat back down on the bed. He grabbed a slice of pizza and started watching t.v. again. 

I crawled back up to the top of the bed again. Pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around my legs. I closed my eyes and started daydreaming again. About Oscar and Angelina. 


So Rico has definitely lost it right?

Will he hurt Maria again?

Will she get out?

Maria Maria | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now