Dead - Shidge.

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She kept her eyes closed as he held her close to him. 

He held her gently and took small careful steps to make sure she wouldn't be bounced in each step.

A gentle safe voice humming an old song from earth while her head rested on his shoulder. 

He shared his warmth as he kept her close.

She knew she must have fallen asleep again making him carry her to room once more.

She knew she should tell him she was awake again but she didnt want him to let her go. 

She stayed faking as he laid her in bed kissing her forehead with care before pulling her blanket over.

"goodnight Katie" he whispered with a gentle warm voice as he stood in her doorway.

"love you" She sleepily whispered knowing it would be the only time she could ever tell him the truth.

"i love you too" He would always whisper back before leaving for the night. 

She never was held close to him again. 

She never heard him hum to her again.

She never got to see such gentle caring eyes again.

She never got to hear such sweet words while he thought she was sleep talking ... again. 

All she saw was his glowing purple arm and purple tint in his eyes. 

His blood lust showing all over his face as he looked to his friends who struggled to stand.

An evil smirk as he looked to his friends who were close to death by his hand.

A laugh that made them all shiver and lose hope as he looked them over. 

Her shiro was dead and replaced with a man she no longer knew. 

She let her tears fall as she forced herself to stand.

She ignored all the pain she felt and her screaming body that beg her to stay down. 

She didnt listen to her friends begs and warnings about staying away.

She just limp over to the man she loved but was gone forever. 

Her eyes never leaving his new cold eyes.

Her fingers tapping away on her halo as she limp. 

His smirk grew as he raised his arm ready to slash her once more but all she did was cry.

"Sorry" was all she whispered as her tears fell and her arms wrapped around him while her halo zapped them both, killing his robotic galra arm along with any other magic used over him. 

She opened her eyes hours later  looking to the man she loved sleep inside a pod.

She knew she might have killed him since the magic was running through his whole body but she had to take the chance.

She had to save him even if it meant staining her hands with his blood.

She looked to the other pods, watching her injured friends slowly heal,

She was begged to go inside a pod with them but someone needed to keep watch and she wasn't going to go and leave someone else to wait the hours.

She sat up and placed a hand on the man she loved pod.

Slowly closing her eyes as she leaned forward.

A soft smile laid on her lips as she whispered

"i love you"

Silent tears fell from her eyes as silence filled the room.

She saved the man she loved but she killed her future with him.

She was dead while breathing

Her footsteps echo the halls as she took small steps towards her hanger

She knew the next sound she would hear would be a new future and it was a future she feared.

A dead paladin who still breathed

Was what she became ... 

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