A Kiss - Plance.

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"I'm in" Pidge grinned as she hacked into a galra ship and took control.

"i could kiss you pidge" Lance cheered as the green paladin shut down all the druids on the ship and stopping the paladins from being shot at. 

"what stopping you" Pidge smirked back and wink at the blue paladin.

"what" Lance yelp with a huge blush.

"well" pidge mumbled with a blush and the two locked on eyes before quickly glancing away.

"thanks for the save pidge, download any information that could help us" Shiro replied over the helmet coms as he and hunk was by the lions protecting them.

"Keith you jerk" Lance yelled to hid his embarrassment.

"the hell, what did i do" Keith hissed back and turned to lance since he and lance was in charge of shielding pidge.

"why are you two arguing, we nearly finished the mission once pidge finished downloading" Hunk yelled with worry.

"no clue i guess guys really are wired" Pidge joked and pulled her lead out of the controls since she was done. 

"i think a pidge is way weirder" Keith smirked back as they all stood up ready to walk back to their lions. 

"oh shut it" Pidge grinned and lance just watched the green paladin wondering if he just imagined her asking for a kiss. 

"get back to the lions guys then you can decided who wired" Shiro sighed.

"i think coran the most wired, i mean he the crazy space uncle" Hunk replied and everyone laughed as they ran back. 

Time skip to them being in the castle....

"hey um pidge can we talk" Lance asked with rosy cheeks and rubbed the back of his neck.

"can it wait, Allura was looking for you" Pidge replied with a hand on her hip.

"allura, when does she want anything to do with me" Lance asked shocked.

"dont forget your our handsome sharpshooter, who wouldn't want to be alone with you" Pidge grinned and wink to lance before walking away giving a small wave.

"did she just flirt" Lance mumbled stunned.



"are you still messing with lance" Keith asked with a smirk as he notice lance been in his own world and keep blushing around pidge.

"nope I'm flirting with him, i wont mess with lance like this" Pidge replied and she looked up from her laptop.

"well, i think he going to break soon" Keith warned.

"well you think after flirting with him for a year he would have figured it out sooner but no it took me asking for a kiss for him to notice i been flirting all along" Pidge sighed and crossed her arms.

"well lance is an idiot but i think he likes you too" Keith smiled.

"i hope so becuase i really dont think i can handle another night of his talking about how cool, hot, wonderful and princessly allura is while i act like I'm not madly in love with him" Pidge said with a sadden smile and looked to her crossed over legs.

"like i said lance is an idiot but he lucky to have such an awesome chick loving him, I'm sure he figure it out soon" Keith smiled and ruffle pidge hair. 

"thanks Keith" Pidge grinned.

"no worries now I'm going to have my cuddle time with my boyfriend since i didnt fall in love with an idiot who clueless about someone crushing on them" Keith smirked and headed to the hanger doors.

"day hi to shiro for me" Pidge smiled and Keith chuckled.

"sure thing but after my cuddle time with him" Keith smirked and left leaving pidge to giggle. 


"oh shit" Keith frowned as he turned to see lance standing outside the hangers door.

"pidge loves me" Lance mumbled in shock.

"well no turning back. Pidge is madly in love with you and have been since her garrison days so go get her sharpshooter" Keith grinned and patted lance arm before heading to shiro room. 


"hey pidgin" Lance smiled with a slight blush.

"lance" Pidge replied a little surprised to see him.

"i have something for you" Lance grinned and walked over to pidge.

"for me" Pidge mumbled in shock and blushed at the thought of lance getting her something.

"close your eyes" Lance smiled softly.

"got it but i dont want anything alive or dead in my hands" Pidge warned before closing her eyes. 

She soon felt soft warm lips join her and they shared a sweet kiss making her lips beg for more but before she could lance pulled away.

"a k-kiss" Pidge asked with a bright red face.

"y-yeah" Lance blushed back.

"i love it" Pidge grinned and lance chuckled.

"me too, maybe we can get some milkshakes together or something before allura yells at us to go to sleep" Lance asked nervously.

"well if i didnt know any better lance McClain i would think you were asking me out on a date" Pidge smiled sweetly and her eyes sparkled a little.

"maybe i am" Lance replied with a grin.

"maybe" Pidge asked with a teasing smirk.

"will you go on a date with me pidge" Lance asked with a bright smile and before he knew it pidge pulled him into another longer kiss.

"i love too but call me Katie" Pidge smirked and wink to lance.

"Katie, a lovely name but be even better as Katie McClain" Lance teased back. 

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