Never Was - James x Pidge.

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Late Nights just talking away.

Sneaking around to hang out. 

Secret looks.

 Shared Laughs.

Crazy jokes. 

A new feeling .. that would never last. 

A green Paladin.

A MFE Jet pilot. 

A hidden friendship. 

A hidden bond. 

A moment in time that would be forgotten. 

He was her everything.

She was his world. 

Both shared a secret.

But it was just the once. 

Saving the world.

Flirting behind corners. 

Fighting the galra.

Fighting for time alone. 

Laughing together. 

Talking together.

A simple kiss that became more. 

A simple three words eight sentence making them blush. 

A simple night in his room becoming so much more. 

A simple moment that would always be a secret to them. 

Moments end.

The galra was beaten. 

The Atlas was ready.

Voltron was needed. 

There secret came to an end. 

Both acted like nothing ever happened.

It was just a whisper in the wind.

A sweet dream that ended once they woke up.

They both were needed to save the universe. 

But they worked together.

But they lived on a ship together. 

But they trained together.

But she helped fix his jets .

But they had different paths to take.

Neither could stay with the other.

Neither could keep the feeling.

Neither could risk the chance.

Neither spoke of their moment. 

Neither started a new moment. 

Was i love or lust. 

They both knew the answer

They both felt the warm feeling

They both felt the pain

They both knew they danced the dance of love

But there love wouldn't survive their different paths. 

He was a MFE jet pilot

She was the green paladin of voltron

He didnt like Keith

She was Keith friend

He couldn't save her in the middle of battle

She couldn't risk him getting hurt in battle

They both had a weakness .... each other

So a secret moment on earth would stay hidden

But the love stayed within them

But the love only grew

But the love was deadly

But the love was waiting

But the love would kill them

But the love was pure

But they ignored the love 

Maybe they both thought as hope of ending the war came

Maybe in the future 

Maybe when they no longer had titles

Maybe when they could return to earth

Maybe there love would work

Maybe ..... but first they had a war to win

"love" Keith asked as he, pidge, shiro and Lance sat in a small break room just chilling.

"yeah, dont you guys have anyone who keeps catching your eye" Lance asked with a grin and turned his friends.

"i have Adam" Shiro smiled gentle and he showed his ring off. (Yes Adam is alive in this story, i just couldn't kill him off).

"Love is just too dangerous" Pidge sighed making the other three turn to her surprised.

"wait, do you have someone or did or what" lance asked in shock as he turned to the girl who sat beside him.

"never" Pidge replied with a small smirk. 

"well pidge is smart, she most likely understand love better then lovers do" Shiro smiled and Pidge laughed at the thought. 

"ah shiro, do you know where hunk is" James asked as he stood in the doorway. Time stopped as their hearts ache from having the other so close yet so far away. There eyes slowly glance to the other before time started once more and shiro answered back.  Keith sat stunned at what he just watched, he thought his eyes was messing with him but the pained looks in both of their eyes proved, pidge had a love once before. 

"i think he with your friends, he was letting them try his space chocolate ... try checking the bathrooms because it wont end well" Keith replied and James nodded before giving one last look to pidge before walking away.

"i feel sorry for the MFE if they got stuck trying hunk space chocolate" Lance frowned and rubbed the back of his neck.

"i better go report them to be sick for the next couple days" Shiro sighed and stood up. 

"James" Keith asked as he looked to pidge who turned to him a little surprise. 

"we never was" She replied with a soft smile. 

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