Child Lance - Plance.

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"Ok lance ... here comes the blue lion" Shiro smiled gently as he flew the spoon of altean baby food towards lance little mouth.

Lance smiled brightly before eating his food before freezing up in horror. 

"you just fed him his lion" Pidge sighed as she watched the leader feed one year old lance.

"oh god" Shiro panic as lance started to cry over eating his lion. ]

"nice going team dad" Pidge smirked. 

No one really knew why lance suddenly became a one year old. Pidge was the first to find him on her way to bed late last night and thinking she was seeing stuff she just took the baby to her room and let him cuddle up. When shiro and Keith came to drag her out of bed they both got a shock to see the green paladin cuddling a baby blue paladin. 

Coran done some tests and trying to work out if lance ate anything or something but its gonna take all day for him to look everything up let alone find any cures meaning the paladin got stuck with babysitting a baby lance.

"oh lance I'm so sorry .. you didnt really eat the blue loin so dont worry" Shiro mutter as he picked up the small lance and started bounce him around trying to stop him from crying.

"why is lance crying" Keith asked as he came walking over with a worried hunk.

"shiro fed him the blue lion" Pidge grinned and the other two males just gave shiro the 'look'.

"i wasn't thinking, i just thought he might enjoy here comes the loin instead of here comes the space ship ... but i guess he took it the wrong way" Shiro sighed and walked around the room trying to clam lance.

"oh lance mama use to say lance would always calm down with a cuddle or having his cheeks strokes .. why dont you try that" Hunk smiled.

"good thing we got a childhood friend on this ship" Keith replied and patted Hunk arm.

"cheeky .. who got your cheeky" Shiro said in a baby voice and stroked lance small cheek why the others enjoyed the sight of shiro acting like a baby to clam another baby ... lets just say they will be thankful to whatever turned lance into a baby. 

"ab" Lance baby mumbled with a grin and clapped his small hands together. 

"thanks for the save hunk ... does anyone wanna feed lance i dont think he gonna trust me after that" Shiro smiled and turned to the group who all tensed up.

"Keith will" Pidge smiled and pushed Keith towards shiro direction.

"I'm not changing any nappies ... just making it clear" Keith huffed and picked lance up from shiro.

"ne" lance gurgled as Keith sat back down on the floor putting a small amount on the spoon. 

"just eat it" Keith sighed as lance wouldn't open his mouth for Keith to feed him.

"he a baby, you need to make it look yummy and fun" Hunk explained with a small smile.

"mmh .. this is gross" Keith spoke as he tasted a little of the baby food and it was horrible.

"nice acting, I'm sure everyone wants to try that now" Pidge replied sarcastic. 

"this stuff is awful .. i feel sorry for lance if he stuck eating this" Keith replied and stood up.

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