Shower - Lotor x Pidge.

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"Your not still sulking, i already said sorry earlier" Lotor sighed as he walked over sitting beside pidge in the training room.

"I'm allowed to sulk, it was embarrassing" pidge mumbled back.

"how did you embarrass our little pidgin" Lance asked with a goofy grin as he sat with hunk not far away. Keith and shiro leaning on the wall listening as well.

"you wont be finding out by me since I'm trying to get the little feisty green paladin to forgive me" Lotor smiled slightly.

"just get her some cookies, she forgive you in seconds" Hunk smiled kindly and Lotor nodded.

"well i dont think cookies is gonna be enough this time, am i right" Lotor asked as he glanced to the sulking pidge.

"yep, i want a galra bot then maybe i think about forgiving you" Pidge grumbled back and crossed her arms like a child.

"yikes you really upset her this time" Keith frowned as lotor was always upsetting the green paladin.

"i didnt meant too this time, it was a mistake on my half but it wasn't on purpose" Lotor frowned and looked to where shiro and Keith stood.

"dont tell me it was you who entered the showers" Shiro asked with worry.

"he was, he was an idiot and didnt check before entering" Pidge huffed and shiro sighed.

"yeah you better get her that galra bot, it was your fault" Shiro smiled gently and pidge smirked.

"you heard team dad, your in the wrong" Pidge grinned at lotor. 

"i know I'm in the wrong, i didnt mean to walk in on you since i thought everyone would still be asleep" Lotor replied as he turned to pidge.

"ha, i never sleep" Pidge mumbled.

"wait so lotor walked in while Pidge was showering, then he saw her naked ... is she really a she" Lance yelled half in surprise and half in excitement.  

"lance you know pidge is a girl, remember we had to help fix her binder" Hunk sighed and slapped his taller friend arm.

"well just dont tell allura lotor saw you naked pidge, she might get jealous" Keith smirked while pidge glared at him.

"dont make me zap you too" Pidge warned and Keith step before shiro a little.

"no use standing behind me, she can take me down easy when mad" Shiro replied and Keith turned a little pale while pidge smiled proudly.

"in my defence those were my Christmas cookies and its your own fault for listening to matt about it being ok to eat them" Pidge replied and shiro chuckled. 

"wait a even younger pidge took down shiro, shiro voltron leader ... this guy was take down by our little smartass shorty" Lance yelled in pure shock and shiro nodded.

"yeah i can see that, no one should mess with pidge and her cookies" Hunk smiled while shiro nodded in agreement. 

"i have a new respect for you pidge" Keith mumbled as he stood out from behind shiro.

"yeah, your really something" Lotor grinned and pidge giggled.

"so i expect that bot by the end of the week otherwise i take you down like i did shiro" Pidge smirked and poked Lotor arm.

"you got it" Lotor smiled.

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