Replaced but Saved - Part 2 - Lotor x Pidge.

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"Lotor" Pidge screamed as the galra ship shook under harsh attacks. Her hand reached out as she slipped once part of the wall was blast off trying to suck her out into space. 

"Pidge" Lotor yelled in fear and grabbed her hand while standing in an doorway trying to pull her over.

"shit" Pidge whispered as Lotor finally pulled her in the side room letting her land on top of him while they both caught their breaths. 

"its ok, your safe" Lotor whispered and held pidge tightly to himself not sure if he was trying to comfort her or himself.

"who the hell is attacking all of a sudden" Pidge asked with worry but not trying to get out of lotor hold since she just needed someone to hold her. After all nearly being sucked out into space without a helmet was not fun and a little scary for her taste. 

"i dont know, we need to reach my ship its park in the second hanger" Lotor replied and turned to pidge making sure she was ok but noticing a cut on her cheeky bleeding. He wiped some of the fresh blood away with his thumb while frowning at her wound.

"just a bit of the ship came flying at me and caught my face, its nothing" Pidge smiled softly and placed her hand on top of lotor.

"did you get hurt anywhere else" Lotor asked with worry and scanned her body once more as he slowly sat up letting her sit in his lap. 

"I'm fine, we must hurry to your ship we can use the vents its how i travel around the ship when your not with me" Pidge smiled sweetly and stood up before giving a hand to lotor. 

"i do wonder why no one else ever sees you when your not with me" Lotor grinned and took pidge hand before standing.

"well its awkward walking around a galra ship and passing galra soldiers when you use to attack the ships once before. Plus i just like the vents" Pidge grinned and lotor pulled the went door off before letting pidge crawl in first. 

"you should have said, i wouldn't mind walking you around the ship if you felt awkward alone" Lotor sighed and followed pidge through the vents. 

"TADA" Pidge smirked as she kicked the vent door down letting it land with a crush before jumping down.

"you do know we under attack right" Lotor smiled and pidge nervously chuckled.

"lets just get to my ship, so we can see what going on and escape if we need" Lotor smiled gently and took pidge hand before running over to his ship. The two sat down and Lotor started his ship up listening to the coms and was trying to work out what was going on. 

"so" Pidge asked as she opened a link to where lotor was sitting.

"voltron" Lotor frowned and started his ship up ready to fly off.

"can we out fly them, the ship nearly completely destroy and if voltron already formed then they catch us in seconds" Pidge mumbled as she pressed bottoms.

"just trust my flying skills" Lotor smirked and started flying out.

"always do" Pidge grinned and kept an out while lotor flew. 

"Prince Lotor this is shiro the black paladin of voltron, please surrender and we bring you no harm" Shiro spoke over an open com making Lotor frown.

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