Goodbye - Plance.

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"why cant i say goodbye to you" Lance asked puzzled as he looked to his short friend who worked on something.

"becuase i hate goodbyes, they always sound sad so i dont use them" Pidge replied with a small smile and glance to her tall friend.

"then what should i say" He asked looking into her hazel eyes.

"see you later" Pidge smiled sweetly.

"see you later pidgin" Lance grinned as he left garrison classroom. 




"Pidge" Lance whispered as he looked around the cell for his short friend.

"I'm here lance, take it easy you got hit really hard" Pidge mumbled and lance saw her sitting in the corner facing the cell door. 

"are you hurt" Lance asked with worry as he sat up. 

"nah i was just knocked out" Pidge replied with a small smile.

"yeah i guess your not stupid enough to try and fight back when its clear we lose" Lance smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"no i did" Pidge mumbled.

"you did" He asked shocked.

"when i turned to find you, i saw them attacking you without mercy and tried to get to you but one of the guards got me before i reached you" Pidge sighed and there when lance saw the blood stains over the side of her face aimed away from him.

"Pidge" Lance whispered with a gentle voice and sat beside her.

"its nothing lance, i live but I'm more worried about you" Pidge frowned and looked the taller boy over.

"I'm ok apart from a couple bruise and small cuts but I'm worried about you ... who else will play games with me in the middle if the night if you go" Lance smiled sweetly and turned her head towards him with his fingers on her chin.

"I'm sure hunk would play with you" Pidge smiled and lance chuckled.

"hunk screams each time a level boss jumps into the fighter" Lance grinned and the two laughed. 

"lance, i be fine" Pidge smiled softly and placed her hand on his letting him know she would be ok. 

"just let me know if you start feeling bad" Lance smiled softly and laid her head on his shoulder while keeping his arm around her protectively.

"hey lance" Pidge smiled.

"yeah pidge" Lance asked.

"our friends are going to rescue us" Pidge smiled brightly.

"they better or they wont be having milkshakes any time soon" Lance grinned making Pidge giggle. 

"our space child must be so worried right now" Pidge smirked.

"yeah i bet she mooing all over the place about saving us" Lance smirked and the two laughed again before lance felt pidge wrap an arm around him and moved closer.

"once we saved lets go to the space mall again and try that space ice cream together" Pidge smiled softly.

"well if i didnt know any better i would think my little pidgin is asking me out on a date" Lance cheekily grinned.

"sure, i wont mind going on a date with my lover-boy" Pidge smirked and wink making lance blush.

"then a date we shall have" Lance smiled and held pidge a little tighter feeling something warm but wet cover his hand.

"lance" Pidge spoke in a small weaker voice.

"Pidge" Lance asked with worry and fear as he felt more warm wet liquid leak to his armour.

"your really funny, cute, caring, cool, good looking, smarter then most think, kind, a good person, loving and really handsome i keep noticing every little thing you might do and i take seeing your true self to heart  .... i think i might be falling in love with you" Pidge smiled warmly and looked to lance seeing his eyes water.

"i love you to pidgin so just wait until we get rescue and we have as many dates as you want" Lance smiled warmly as he looked to her dulling eyes.

She placed a bloody hand on his cheek before linking their lips together in a soft warm loving kiss.

"goodbye lance" Pidge smiled sweetly before closing her arms and lance watched as her body went limp in his arms. He felt her hand fall to her side and his tears fell. 

His cries filled the ship as he begged her to stay, he begged her to never say goodbye and he begged her to not leave him like this. 

Voltron came but Lance was never the same.

He never once whispered the words 'goodbye' and he never once forgot about the girl he loved. 

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