A Known Secret - Kidge + LancexHunk.

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"hey pidge during your garrison days did lance and hunk ever um" Keith started to ask unsure while he walked towards the just woken up green paladin who stood in the hall.

"yes they did, they never locked their door either and lets just say the walls are not soundproof" Pidge grumbled back as Keith reached her before they both walked towards the dinner room.

"but i thought the castle walls are soundproof so why" Keith started to ask again and pidge frowned.

"Lance was too needy and pounced on hunk before he could close the door most likely, it happened a lot in our garrison days as well" Pidge groaned and shivered at the old memories.

"so hunk and lance are a thing" Keith sighed and rubbed the back go his neck.

"yep or they friends with benefits I'm not sure anymore after hearing them so often in the night" Pidge frowned and Keith shivered.

"must have started when i left the garrison because i dont remember them dating or being that far dating to keep me awake most of the night with their sounds" Keith frowned and glanced to pidge.

"that or you didnt notice since you weren't close to them" Pidge smirked.

"yeah or that" Keith smiled and the two laughed before entering the dinner room seeing the others already sat down.

"wow you two look awful" Allura frowned as she turned to the red and green paladin.

"well i did find out a awkward secret last night that kept me awake until early hours" Keith hissed back while he and pidge sat at the table.

"yeah you think a certain two would learn to close the fucking door by now" Pidge growled as hunk became embarrassed and lance blushed.

"oh i did hear some wired sounds on my way to my room last night but i thought i was just the old pipes" Coran mumbled.

"oh its wasn't the pipes" Keith smirked. 

"yeah if they couldn't use that excuse during the garrison days then they cant use that now" Pidge grinned and hunk was hiding his head in his hands while lance tried acting cool but failed.

"i dont know what your all talking about or hinting since i slept amazing last night" Shiro smiled and the arms of voltron glared at him. 

"well you went to bed early before they started" Keith and pidge grumbled under their breath.

"it sounds like we missed something strange last night" Allura frowned.

"by how tied pidge and Keith seems, i dont think i want to know what happened last night to keep them awake" Shiro replied with worry.

"why dont we enjoy breakfast" Hunk smiled the best he could.

"yeah it looks great" Lance smiled and they all started eating.

A Couple Days Later.... 

"fuck this" Keith hissed and walked out of his room before walking towards the training room but stopping as he notice pidge up ahead. 

"kill" Pidge grumbled half awake and in her PJs while walking towards the lions hangers. 

"Pidge" Keith yelled and ran over to her.

"Keith" Pidge mumbled surprised.

"where are you going at 4am" Keith asked with worry.

"well I'm guessing as your awake you can guess why i dont want to be in my room that sits between lance and yours after all it seems hunk is in lance room and they not sleeping yet again" Pidge frowned.

"so they keeping you up too" Keith frowned.

"yep and so I'm going to sleep in the green lion, want to join" Pidge asked with a small sleepy smile.

"its better then going back to my room" Keith slightly smiled and walked with pidge towards the green lion. 

"night" Pidge smiled softly as she laid and pulled a green blanket over her she kept in the lion storage room.

"night pidge" Keith gently smiled and pulled a red blanket over him, a little surprised pidge had pillows and blankets in her lion. 

Morning came and the two woken up cuddle up to each other, they just figured it got colder in the lion and they must huddle for warmth. Both slowly getting up and putting everything back before heading to their rooms to dress. Keith waited for pidge since he thought they could walk to the dinner room for breakfast again and just chill a little before facing the two who kept them up until early hours yet again. Pidge walked out with her laptop and they started walking in a calm silence.

Once they sat at the table lance and hunk walked in not long after acting like last night never happened. The two just glared at the ones keeping them up before turning to each other and laughing at how tied the other looked. Hunk started cooking and pidge just coded on her laptop while Keith watched. It still amazed him how good pidge was on her laptop. 

"ok we gonna have some fucking rules in this castle" Shiro yelled as he stormed into the dinner room making them all jump. 

"Shiro, you look like hell" Pidge frowned at the half awake and tied leader.

"you two look like shit too, I'm glad becuase that means i didnt just imagine last night" Shiro sighed and walked to his chair on the table.

"oh it happened and this isn't the first, pidge been stuck hearing it since her garrison days" Keith grumbled.

"what wrong shiro" Lance asked with worry.

"new rule, if your gonna get romantic with someone during the middle of the night then please make sure the door is fully closed otherwise everyone else gets to hear every sound you two make even until 4 fucking am" Shiro hissed and lance turned bright red. 

"sorry" Lance muttered and hid his face in his hands. 

"i dont care if your dating hunk or if its something a deal you two made but that is not something that should be keeping us all up hearing .. i rather have the galra attack then listen to you two ever again" Shiro hissed before sitting down. 

"why is shiro yelling" Hunk asked with worry as he walked in with the food.

"they all know hunk, we keep leaving the door opened and it seems they all hearing it" Lance mumbled and hunk went bright red. 

"sorry" Hunk muttered embarrassed.

"now you both understand the problem please make sure the door is fully closed next time or i will get pidge to set of the water sprinkles in your rooms" Shiro warned and the two nodded in understanding. 

"i guess we can finally sleep in our rooms again" Keith smirked.

"yeah but you still know the secret nap place if you need it" Pidge grinned and wink to Keith.

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