Let Go - Kidge.

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Keith was slowly turning full galra.

First it was simple transforming into his galra form then back to his human from 

But now he doesn't always turn back fully.

His teeth is those of a galra. 

His skin slowly turning purple as the days pass.

His hair already turned purple.

His eyes are slowly turning fully yellow with purple mixed in the middle.

His ears already pop out.

Keith feared himself more then the team could fear him.

The team already were scared off him and kept there distant unless voltron was needed.

Well everyone apart from pidge and that scared him more.

She kept treating him like nothing changed and he feared he might hurt the girl one day. 

But she wouldn't give up on him, she wasn't going to let go of his hand.

"keith" Pidge called as she walked the halls after not finding the red paladin anywhere.

"everything ok, Katie" shiro asked with worry as this was the second time she passed the meeting room.

"i cant find keith anywhere, I'm worried" Pidge frowned.

"I'm sure he turn up, maybe he needs time alone" Shiro smiled kindly.

"no if he alone then he starts thinking horrible things like he a monster or something .. I'm not gonna leave him to cry in a corner over something he has no control over .. he needs us shiro" Pidge hissed back and started walking again. 

Pidge walked the halls and started to worry more then one should  before hearing green purr a little. She headed towards the green lion hanger wondering what was with her lion and noticed a certain red paladin sitting beside the green lion right paw leaning his head on the paw a little.

Pidge smiled at the sight and used her wrist halo to take a photo while keith was distracted. She stay standing a good couple minutes just watching him talk with green before his ears twitch along with his nose and he turned to her.

"Pidge" Keith yelped making her giggle.

"sorry, i didnt want to disturb you, it was cute to see" Pidge smiled softly and started walking over.

"you should have said something if you were watching" Keith side and pidge sat beside him.

"i know but it was sweet seeing you hang with green, she seemed to enjoy it too" Pidge smiled sweetly and rested her head on his shoulder.

"you tired" Keith asked with worry.

"just content, lets stay like this for a bit" Pidge hummed and keith didnt try to move away but laid his head on top of hers.

"pidge, why do you keep hanging with me .. im galra now you should be scared of me" Keith frowned.

"did you take my brother, my father, shiro ... did you try killing me over and over ... have you taken over planets and enslaved others ... have you ever harmed me" Pidge asked back.

"n-no i could never bring myself to hurt you .. i wouldn't be able to live with myself if i ever bought harm to you" Keith quickly replied.

"did you steal my cookies" Pidge asked glancing to keith slightly.

"never, i fear you too much to try steal your cookies" Keith sighed.

"then how could i ever fear you ... no matter how you look your going to be my bonded partner, my friend in arms .. my keith" Pidge smiled softly and keith sat up in shock just looking at her.

"really" He asked surprised.

"you are you and the galra are the galra" Pidge explained and keith smiled.

"thanks pidge" Keith gently smiled and lean his forehead on hers. 

"anytime, just dont keep trying to hide away anymore, i hate feeling like i might lose you one day" Pidge whispered with worry.

"i wont, i make sure to be the real me from now on .. i wont hide away over something im not" Keith smiled softly.

"I'm glad" Pidge grinned.

"why do you go so far for me pidge ... even if we close you dont have a reason to always grab hold of my arm making sure i dont run" Keith asked with a small smile.

"becuase your important to me keith and I'm never going to let go of your hand" Pidge smiled sweetly.

"your important to me too pidge" Keith smiled and wrapped his arms around her making sure to not scratch her with his claws.

"promise to stay by my side forever" Pidge asked with a smirk.

"forever" Keith smirked and Pidge placed a gentle warm loving kiss on his lips before the two laid back on the green lion just holding the other. 

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