Use Me - Lotor x Pidge.

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"use me" Pidge spoke in a small soft voice making Lotor freeze in the middle of the hallway.

"what did you just say" Lotor asked in shock as he turned round to face the green paladin. 

"use me" Pidge repeated with fire in her eyes.

"now why would I use you instead of playing the princess or any other paladin" Lotor asked with a smirk.

"becuase no one would expect me to be the traitor" Pidge replied with a face that showed lotor she wasn't messing around.

"well I guess you are the one person who no one would see as a traitor since your too much of a fighter but why are you willing to become the traitor" Lotor asked as he placed a hand on his hip.

"becuase I dont want my friends to be tricked into helping you and find out you dont really love them while they fall in love with you. I'm the only person who can play your game and still kill you without a second thought after" Pidge smirked and crossed her arms.

"ah so your trying to protect your friends from my love games, how sweet" Lotor grinned and poked pidge nose a little.

"so" Pidge asked looking into Lotor eyes. 

"how do you know I wont just let you build anything I want or leak the info I want while still playing love games with the others" Lotor asked back.

"becuase I would come clean and tell everyone that I'm a traitor working for you all along" Pidge replied with a grin. 

"very clever, your really are too much of a smartass" Lotor smirked and Pidge giggled. 

"well I dont like playing people games" Pidge grinned back and Lotor chuckled.

"then I shall use you pidge Gunderson" Lotor replied with a smirk before walking away. 



"are you sure playing his game is the right move" Matt asked with worry as he watched his sister work on lotor ship. 

"its better then watching him flirt with my friends until one of them fall in love with him and are willing to do anything for him, this way I get to keep them safe while keeping an eye on what he after" Pidge replied. 

"but sis" Matt frowned. 

"matt, just trust me" Pidge smiled sweetly.

"I do trust you as my sister and a paladin of voltron but your hiding something" Matt sighed and stood up.

"shouldn't you be heading back to the rebel base, you said something about a mission" Pidge mumbled.

"I do and that why I came to see you before I head out, it might take am month this time and I wanted to see you before I go" Matt smiled and Pidge jumped down from her ladder walking over to her brother and hugging him.

"be careful otherwise I'm coming after you" Pidge grinned. 

"the girl who became a guy to sneak into the garrison after being kicked out of the garrison to come to space to find her bother and father who then became a paladin to voltron who fighting an alien race ... yeah I could see you coming to a planet to save me" Matt smirked and pidge giggled.

"then you better take care" Pidge smirked back and Matt chuckled.

"sure thing sis and you take care" Matt smiled before breaking the hug up. 

"no promises, you have a badass sister who hacks any galra tech" Pidge replied proudly.

"you really are a badass, when did my little sister become so cool" Matt smirked as he walked out the hanger while pidge chuckled.



"another reason" Pidge asked as she turned to lotor while they stood inside he finally fully upgraded ship.

"yes, did you have another reason to become my partner in crime" Lotor replied looking at the green paladin.

"nope" Pidge lied. 

"your lying, I worked beside you too long to not notice when your lying" Lotor sighed and crossed his arms.

"why do you want to know the reason anyway, your ship done right" Pidge asked a little annoyed.

"I just want to know the reason, since I never thought of flirting with you or make you fall in love with me to get what I want after all your so stubborn I knew I lose" Lotor smirked. 

"well maybe your charms wont make me fall in love by your tricks flirts and so I volunteered" Pidge replied with a grin.

"why wouldn't they work on you, how come your so sure" Lotor asked unsure.

"not telling" Pidge smirked and walked to Lotor exit door.

"your truly an interesting one" Lotor smiled warmly.

"you bet I am" Pidge cheered as she reached the ship door.

"I still want to know why you wouldn't fall in love with me" Lotor yelled as pidge walked down the ramp.

"you cant fall in love with someone you already love" Pidge whispered with a small sadden soft smile as she walked down the ramp.

"did you say something" Lotor yelled. 

"just wondered why you didnt think of flirting with me first since I'm the brains compare to the others, well before you knew I was stubborn" Pidge lied.

"I was too scared I might truly fall in love with you while playing the game" Lotor smiled gently and Pidge stood shock before smiling.

"we not so different" Pidge smiled and walked away leaving lotor shocked. 

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