A Guy and A Zombie - Plance.

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It started when a new drink came out, it was popular but after a couple hours of it first coming out everyone stated to act strangely. 

They died but they didnt stay dead ... they became zombies. 

Human kind are struggling to stay alive and fight back the sudden number of zombies.

Some made packs and made safe towns from the zombies.

Some became zombie hunters and travellers just killing a many zombies as they could.

And some just keep moving from place to plance trying to keep away from any groups of zombies they can. 

That how a certain idiot got lost inside a library full of zombies.

This idiot was named lance and well he met a certain zombie that changed his life.

"if i become a zombie I'm so biting keith" Lance mumbled as he hid behind a bookshelf trying to look for a way out where he wouldn't be caught by the wondering zombies inside the huge library.

"well that friendship goals for you" a soft voice spoke behind him making him nearly yep in surprise but she gloved his mouth with her gloved hands. 

"mgmgm" Lance tried speaking but the glove stop any words.

"ew did you lick my glove" She frowned and wipe her gloved hand on her a book.

"zombie .. talking zombie ... who are you" Lance whispered yell in shock.

"yes I'm a talking zombie who cares" she sighed and placed her hands on her hips.

"how are you not brain eating right now" Lance asked.

"i dont eat brains since its gross plus I'm scared i might eat an idiot and that just make me dumber then you" She replied with a small smile.

"you look as dead as a zombie and i can clearly see the bite mark on your ankle so how are you talking" lance replied with a frown.

"i dont know, i remember dying and waking up a zombie but i could still think and act like i use too .. the only different is I'm dead .. it sucks really" she frowned and looked to the ground.

"do other zombies try and eat you" Lance smiled.

"sometimes but most they just see me as another zombie .. now wanna get out of this place alive or not" She grinned and bow a little to meet his eyes.

"you sure you can get me out" Lance asked with worry.

"this is my house ... i know every place and hidden exit to use so I'm sure i can get you out" She smirked and stood up straight.

"but this is a library" Lance mumbled.

"yeah well i like to read and when your dead with other humans trying to kill you or steal from any house you to try to settle in .. you compromise" she replied and took his hand.

"you wont eat me ... right" Lance asked as she dragged him away.

"depends if your gonna shut up or not" She hissed and lance took the hint. 

He watched her as she dragged him around the library missing any other zombie around before reaching a fire exit that seemed blocked. She moved the stuff out the way before dragging him down the stairs and leading him to another door that lead outside.

"go left, right is a dead end with a huge group of zombies hidden inside the buildings but once you reach the dead end they come out and eat every single part of you" she warned and closed the door to the fire exit while they stood outside.

"why help me" Lance asked with a small smile.

"being a zombie sucks and i wish i could be human once more but i cant and i dont want the human race to be wipe out" She smiled sweetly.

"why not come with me, if the zombies dont really see you as someone to eat then you could help my camp collect food in overran shops or factories ... you could help save a lot of humans" Lance grinned.

"you think anyone gonna just let me live with you all ... even if i do gain human trust when newbies join your group they gonna sit in fear of me and i dont even know when i stop being myself" she frowned and looked to the ground.

"what do you mean" Lance asked taking her gloved hand in his.

"i dont know when the zombie in me will take over ... i stayed away from humans after turning ... for now i have no interest in eating humans but if a huge group sat around me then maybe i lose myself" she sighed and lance frowned.

"but its not fair that you keep living alone like a monster ... come with me and i make you your own little shed home outside camp if i must ... so" Lance smiled gently and looked to her.

"i dont know" she mumbled.

"please, just come with me" Lance smiled and lifted her head to look at him.

"fine but just so we clear dont expect me to risk my life for you" she huffed with a grin.

"alright that sounds fair" Lance grinned.

"so what your name" she asked as he started walking not letting go of her hand.

"lance, may i know my new friend name" lance smiled softly.

"pidge" she smiled softly.

"pidgin .. i like it" Lance smirked. 




"i knew you were an idiot but i didnt expect you to be this much of an idiot" Keith sighed as lance stood beside pidge by the camp gate.

"lance i know your desperate for someone to love you but zombies are not the way to go" Hunk frowned and looked to pidge who giggled.

"i knew you were an idiot" Pidge grinned and lance smirked.

"yes i may be an idiot but i found a talking zombie .. i think that super cool" Lance grinned proudly and pidge rolled her eyes.

"well she dose talk and apart from being dead you wouldn't have guessed she was dead .. do you know why you still talk and think like a normal person" Shiro asked with a kind smile.

"no clue, i died and woken up like a zombie but i was still me ... i dont need food or water to live .. i just keep living like any other zombie" Pidge sighed.

"she could help us since most zombies just see her as a fellow zombie .. she could go on dangerous missions and collect food or water from taken over ships and factories ... she be a huge help to us" Lance smiled with hope.

"that would be helpful, we do have many shops and factories over ran where no one can get close without being eaten alive .. if she could gain access without a problem then she be saving many but what about eating humans do you do that" Hunk asked with worry.

"nope becuase i fear i eat an idiot brain and become stupid, plus eating human flesh is gross" Pidge replied with a frown.

"well we could use you but if you show any signs of wanting to eat us we kill you" Keith warned.

"please do, i dont want to turn into a monster" Pidge replied and keith gave a small nod.

"welcome to the team" Shiro smiled and held his hand out.

"thanks for having me and just call me pidge" Pidge smiled sweetly and shook shiro hand. 

"see isn't this better then just hiding up in a library forever" Lance grinned.

"i guess it not so bad" Pidge smiled softly and lance smiled at her. 

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