Replaced - Kidge.

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"KEITH" she yelled from the green lion mouth holding her hand out to him as he spun around in space after being to close to the blast. 

"pidge" He yelled and grabbed her hand hearing a slight thud as the forced made her smack into the lion inside wall but instead of groaning in pain she pulled him inside. 

"never do that again" She breathed out as the two laid inside the lion mouth for a bit.

"agree" Keith huffed as he didnt enjoy being hit by the blast and spin around in the dark space without much hope.

"we better get going ... Shiro will be calling our coms soon" Pidge sighed and stood up walking towards the cockpit.

"sure" Keith mumbled as he flowed her and stood behind her chair.

"legs get you home girl" Pidge smiled and the green lion purred before flying back. 

"hey pidge" Keith asked with a small frown.

"yeah" Pidge hummed.

"what were you doing in this area, i was sent to gain info on that ship but why would allura send out just the green lion" Keith asked as he crossed his arms over his Blades uniform.

"its a secret that Allura doesn't even know about" Pidge replied a little tensed.

"may i know it" Keith asked glancing to her.

"i found a clue about my father on a galra ruled planet but it was just a lie" Pidge frowned.

"did you sneak out of the castle" Keith frowned.

"maybe but i stayed link to the castle and if they got any warnings, calls or were in trouble i would have flew straight back and anyways shiro knew i left after he knew he couldn't stop me" Pidge said with a small smile.

"what were you thinking ... you put voltron in danger by leaving on your own" Keith yelled.

"like you can talk .. you did the same to join blades mission before you left voltron ... at least i stayed in contract during this trip" Pidge hissed back and the room fell silent. 

"sorry, i shouldn't have lost my cool" Pidge sighed and focus on flying the lion.

"pidge we both different, i join the blades for my own reasons but you have a place in voltron and is still needed .. no one can replace the green lion paladin" Keith replied in a small voice.

"so you think should becuase lance can fly red he suddenly my partner in arms .. we had a bond keith a strong one and that will never be replaced .. we couldn't be replaced" Pidge yelled back before going into a small voice.

"you couldn't be replaced not to me" Pidge whispered in a broken voice making keith wanna hold her but he fought back the feeling. 

"pidge" Keith whispered.

"just drop it, we be reaching the castle soon" Pidge snapped and Keith gave a weak nod. 



"any lucky" Shiro asked as pidge landed in the hanger.

"nope" Pidge frowned and shiro noticed keith walk out.

"why do you have a keith ... i dont remember keith being part of the plan" Shiro asked with worry.

"i was kinda blown up in space and pidge gave me a lift here .. i call the blades to pick me up soon" Keith replied as he walked over to shiro. 

"pidgin i think i broke the red lion again" Lance frowned as he came walking in the green lion hanger.

"you broke red ... wait did you say again" Keith hissed while lance awkwardly chuckled.

"keith your back .. its so good to see you" Lance grinned trying to hide the red lion thing.

"lance i like doing the dab idea but i sware to god if i find out your trying to get red to be slave once more I'm going to zap you to death" Pidge hissed and grabbed her tools before leaving the hanger.

"lance didnt i tell you to look after red better, do you remember how mad pidge got when you broke the lion the first time .. do you want that to happen again" Shiro frowned and crossed his arms.

"no she was scary, i saw my life flash before my eyes and i didnt known how i broke red this time .. he started roaring in anger then suddenly closed down" Lance sighed. 

"red roared in anger .. did you get hurt or attacked" Keith asked with worry.

"no, i was in my room when i heard him and time i reached him he suddenly closed down" Lance frowned.

"red normally gets over protective when something happen so he shouldn't have suddenly roared ... wait how often dose pidge hand with red" Keith asked. 

"nearly everyday, she talks with green and red" Shiro smiled.

"oh .. i think i know why red roared he must have felt pidge being angry with me before .. he often took her side in fights" Keith sighed and started walking away. 

"you think he would figure it out while red protects him and pidge but nope he an idiot" Shiro sighed.

"yeah I'm an idiot and even i know red understands keith feelings better" Lance smirked. 

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