His Daughter - Lotor x Pidge.

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"mum" Star smiled brightly as she jogged into the training room. She was short with long hazel hair with a white stand. She had light purple eyes and cute freckles over her cheeks. She was six years old and was Lotor and pidge daughter. 

"oh my little princess its not safe to run into the training room while we training" Pidge smiled and picked her daughter up leading her back to the doors while the other paladins fought with the training robot.

"but mum, dad returned" Star smiled full of joy and the whole room freeze making Coran end the training bot before someone got hurt.

"Star, you never met your dad remember so how do you know he back" Pidge asked with worry as she looked to her daughter.

"because he looks just like the photo who keep in your room, i remember the stories you told and he seems just like dad" Star replied with a sweet smile.

"where is this man" Allura asked with worry as she walked over.

"in the control room, he came in while i was playing with my lions teddies" Star smiled and the paladins frowned.

"why didnt the castle warnings go off, even if he didnt walk in like a threat they would have beep" Keith frowned.

"i dont know, the castle would normally warn us if someone entered or not" Coran replied as he pulled up the control room camra screen.

"that princes Lotor" Hunk muttered.

"why would he return, didnt he leave saying he kill us next time we meet again" Lance mumbled and turned to pidge.

"lets find out" Pidge sighed and looked to her daughter with a worried smile.

"you can leave star in her room, lets us handle him" shiro smiled gently and placed a hand on pidge shoulder.

"no, I'm the green paladin and he made it clear we were no longer lovers but enemies. I should come with you and well Star would just sneak out of her room so i keep her close to me" Pidge smiled and shiro nodded.

"i can look after star if you wish since i mostly hide at the back" Coran smiled caringly and Pidge nodded passing her daughter to coran. 

"Coran make sure to take Star out the room if things get dangerous" Keith mumbled as he walked past to walk beside Pidge and Coran nodded.

"is dad a bad man" Star asked with worry.

"we gonna need you to keep silent for us while we talk to this man" Lance smiled and ruffle star hair making her giggle but she nodded afterwards in understand. 

"lets just hope he not here to fight" Allura sighed.



"ah paladins, princess and the gorgeous man" Lotor smiled princely as they walked into the control room. 

"why are you here princes lotor, you made it clear we were now your enemies six years ago" Allura growled and Star hugged Coran who smiled kindly at the small child to calm her.

"now, lets not fight I'm here for peace" Lotor sighed and looked at them all until glancing at pidge for the most. 

"peace, like hell you want peace you tried to kill us more then once over the years" Keith hissed with his crossed. 

"lets not get angry, we dont want to share the child" Lotor sighed as he looked to Star.

"dont bring her into this, what are you really after" Shiro asked standing in lotor sight blocking him from seeing star. 

"i told you, i want peace nothing else. Yes i asked for peace before but now i do wish for peace otherwise i just be as bad as my dad" Lotor frowned and crossed his own arms.

"why not, why after six years of trying to kill us do you want peace" Pidge asked looking at Lotor who eyes sadden. 

"the only way to beat my father is to work together and i dont want to become the next galra king just for voltron and galra to keep fighting. I need to man up and make peace before a new wars starts as soon as Zarkon is defeated. So i offer peace for now and forever" Lotor replied and held his hand out. 

"how can we trust you, you already betrayed us once" Hunk asked with worry.

"yes, i know trust is not easy to gain but I'm not playing any tricks this time. I promise on my life" Lotor replied shocking them all.

"Lance, take Star i do a truth scan .. it tell us if he lying this time or not" Coran whispered and passed the small child over.

"why didnt we scan him last time if we had one" Lance sighed before smiling at Star. 

"silly uncle lance, Mummy and Coran only made it a couple years ago remember they tricked uncle with it all day once it worked" Star smiled brightly and lance frowned at the memory.

"uncle .. mummy" Lotor asked as he looked to star trying to work out who the parent would be until he saw the freckles and turned to pidge in shock. 

"the scan shows he telling the truth" Coran frowned as he walked back over.

"then prince lotor we make a truce but if you betray us then we will kill you" Allura replied and shook Lotor hand.

"lance your going to drop her .. again" Hunk yelp with worry as Lance was holding Star upside down.

"again ... lance put her down" Keith asked with worry and ran over to take star from lance before he did drop her.

"I'm not going to drop her but fine i place her down before you all die of heart attacks" Lance sighed and placed Star down letting her run over to pidge.

"mum, my head fuzzy" Star mumbled as she pulled on Pidge armour.

"well blood is rushing to your brain, come here lets get you some water and let you rest" Pidge smiled sweetly and picked her daughter up.

"here, i still have her bottle tapped to my armour leg after she and lance prank me yesterday .. they still banded from tape" Shiro smiled gently and pulled the tape off passing pidge Star water bottle. 

"wait, is she your daughter" Lotor asked still stun as he walked over.

"yes, This is star she is six years old and is our daughter" Pidge smiled softly as she turned to lotor while Star drank some water.

"Our" Lotor whispered in shock.

"yes, i planned to tell you the day you walked out" Pidge replied with a small frown.

"she mine" Lotor mumbled and looked to his daughter.

"Star" Pidge smiled sweetly and her daughter turned to Lotor. 

"she beautiful" Lotor smiled warmly letting his tears fall.

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