Her Doctor - Kidge.

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"shiro taking forever" Lance sulked in the hospital bed.

"he might have other patients and just becuase he works here doesn't mean he be your doctor" Pidge sighed as she sat on the chair beside the hospital bed.

"yeah but shiro the only good looking doctor and being injured gives me a great reason to let him touch me while I stare at all his great points" Lance grinned.

"you mean his abs and arms ... oh I cant forget you also mention his legs" Pidge replied looking at her blushing friend.

"he got gentle eyes too" Lance mumbled and Pidge giggled.

"yeah well enjoy perving on him once again while I sit so very boardly wishing someone hot would enter this hospital" Pidge sighed. 

"oh and what wrong with shiro, he like the most hottest guy here and anyways I'm sick pidgin be nicer to your sick friend" Lance smirked before poking his friend cheek.

"its just your normal check up, they keep you in for a couple hours and do checks then you go home before coming back next week and redo it all while dragging me along" Pidge frowned and slapped her friend away.

"your just jealous because I saw shiro first" Lance grinned proudly.

"he not my type ... he your type" Pidge smiled and looked to her grinned friend.

"I wonder when you see someone who your type, we come to this hospital every week and yet you only stare at a couple patients who be in here with me ... we gotta find a nurse or doctor for you to perv on" Lance smiled brightly and held his hand in the air like a hero. 

"whatever .. its unlikely I see anyone who my" Pidge started to say but looked to the doorway seeing a handsome doctor walking there way.

"move it sick boy" Pidge hissed and pushed lance off the bed before jumping in letting lance just give her a shocked 'what the hell' look. 

"hello I'm doctor Kogane and I be doing your check up today Mr McClain" a short silky midnight black hair with beautiful purple eyes spoke in a cold yet gentle voice before glancing up to find pidge laying on the bed with a smirk.

"please do the check up" Pidge smiled brightly with a small blush on her cheeks and lance smirked on the floor. 

"I will warn you my hands might be a little cold" doctor Kogane warned as he walked round the hospital bed side that lance wasn't laying on the floor.

"its no problem, I dont mind cold hands" Pidge replied and Lance held back his chuckle.

"if you say so" Doctor Kogane slightly smile and pulled up Pidge top a little showing only part of her belly before feeling it over making her blush a little more but she didnt care she finally found a handsome hotie after all these years of going to the hospital with lance.

"Pidge, why is lance on the floor" Shiro asked confused in the doorway making her freeze up before slowly turning to see the normal doctor that lance has been flirting with for the past two years. 

"really shiro after all these years of never seeing eye candy the one time I do you ruin it" Pidge hissed and crossed her arms while Doctor Kogane stood puzzled.

"yeah shiro why did you have to spoil her moment .. it was fun to watch" Lance sighed and stood up shocking Doctor Kogane a little.

"lance get on the bed or do you not want me to do your check up" Shiro sighed crossing his eyes and Pidge mumbled curses as she jump off letting lance on. 

"go ahead shiro" Lance grinned with joy while pidge sulked beside the bed.

"sorry about this keith, I normally take care of lance and well they dont normally do a switch" Shiro frowned as he walked over and Doctor keith Kogane gave a small nod.

"hey shiro, if I broke a bone like right not could a doctor on this floor fix me" Pidge asked with hope and Lance grinned.

"well yeah, I would have to help you before finishing lance check up" Shiro replied.

"oh no you can keep doing my check up and let another doctor on this floor look after pidgin" Lance grinned and wink at pidge. 

"what are you both planning" Shiro asked with worry and Keith just listened in by the door, a little amused by pidge.

"just thinking how to break a bone nothing much" Pidge replied with a sweet smile.

"no breaking your bones pidge" Shiro sighed.

"fine .. lance break my leg or arm I dont care just break something" pidge begged her friend.

"on it, I go for a leg then you have a reason to hit people with your crutches" Lance smiled and hang his legs of the bed while pidge walked over.

"your the best friend ever" Pidge smiled and placed a hand on lance shoulder.

"no worries you would do the same and anyways you already help me get shiro name its only fair" Lance smiled and reached for pidge leg but keith quickly walked over lifting pidge up and turning away from lance.

"no not just ask me out for dinner" Keith smiled at the girl after placing her down.

"well that seems to easy" Pidge smirked.

"my shift ends at six, if your interested meet me on this floor" Keith grinned and pulled a pen from his pocket before writing something down on her arm.

"then I guess I be seeing you at six, Keith" Pidge smiled softly.

"seems so Pidge" Keith smirk and gave a small wink before leaving the room.

"you were willing to break a bone to gain a date with him" Shiro asked with fear.

"yes I was and I'm glad I wasn't scared to  do so becuase I got a date and his number" Pidge smiled brightly and showed her arm with keith number.

"yay we both got ourselves hotties" Lance cheered and high fived pidge.

"I worry about you both" Shiro sighed.

"aww you worry about me" Lance smiled gently and hug shiro who just smiled.

"well no need to worry about this smartass chick becuase she won herself a doctor" Pidge grinned and did a small wiggle. 

"you should shake those hips move" Keith smirked as he walked past the room leaving pidge a blushing mess. 

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