Lost - Shidge.

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"fuck it" Pidge screamed as she pushed everything off her desk in the green lion hanger. Kicking any lose papers or tools near her before falling down on her knees crying. 

Pidge wasn't sure, what to do now. 

Lance and Hunk was in the pods healing after a surprise attack by the galra on a planet that pidge should have noticed a lot sooner but didnt. 

Keith was in the training room after rejecting going to the pod even thought he was injured. 

Allura and Coran was in the control room trying to figure out what next. 

Pidge was the brains, she should have notice all the clear signs of a trap and yet she was too distracted.

She nearly got the whole team dead becuase she couldn't control her own thoughts. 

She sat crying everything out, not caring how childish or wired she must have looked. 

She couldn't understand why she was still fighting in this war anymore. 

They saved planets.

They took down hundreds of galra ships 

They saved many lives

They had hope in winning this war

But her hope was taken from her 

Shiro was taken from her

She let go off his hand and now he was gone. 

She was the reason shiro was taken by the galra and yet no one would blame her. 

If only she was stronger then she could have held out a little longer. 

She was dying inside

She was breaking 

She was losing 

Her tears no longer fall as her anger took over once more

She stood up picking up a random tool before just whacking a wall 

Screaming insults at herself ... letting herself take all the blame

She hated herself and she didnt care anymore

She didnt notice the tall break and that she was just punching the wall with her bare hands not until Keith came running in pulling her away. 

Her knuckles skin long gun from her punching to hard and long at the metal altean wall. 

She didnt know she was losing her cool for an hour making the green lion call for back up by roaring to the other lions who called for the only other paladin still awake. 

"pidge" Keith yelled in a panic snapping her out of her own state making her look around surprised. 

She turned to her hands begging for mercy and pain filling her body. 

"s-sorry" Pidge whispered and Keith just looked at her with worry before looking around the hanger seeing the mess she made. 

"come on, lets get you cleaned up" Keith smiled softly and placed his arm around her while placing his other hand on her shoulder closest to him as he started walking, leading her towards the medical room. 

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