Better - Shance + Kidge.

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"no way, shiro is a better boyfriend" Lance sulked.

"nope, Keith is the best boyfriend" Pidge pouted.

"yeah but i get to call my boyfriend daddy" Lance grinned proudly.

"so does everyone else on this ship" Pidge smirked back making lance sulk again.

"oh yeah, well at least i get to see mine everyday becuase he didnt run of to the blade of marmora " Lance yelled back and crossed his arms while pidge frowned.

"well at least mine doesn't hang out with pretty women daily" Pidge grumbled back since allura and shiro always discus battle plans everyday before dinner.

"oh and how do you know that, you dont know how many pretty blades girls he might meet and dont forget the ones he help save during a mission. Being a former paladin would make all the female stick to him" Lance smirked back. 

"same for shiro, dont forget male and female aliens always hang on him after  a saving mission" Pidge grinned back.

The room felt silent before the two turned to each other and cried their eyes out at the thought of their boyfriends being with other people or having aliens hang on them. 

"h-he loves me right" Lance cried out.

"shiro loves you tons but does Keith really l-love me" Pidge cried out.

"Emo loves you lots but would shiro prefer allura or an alien ... I'm sure they would be better then me" Lance sobbed as he hugged himself.

"what if Keith falls for another blade member after all they be way better then me" Pidge sobbed and hugged her knees.

"we gonna get dumped" Lance cried as the two crawled over to each other.

"yeah there no way we can win against those aliens" Pidge cried and the two cried while hugging each other. 



Shiro and Keith spoke with worry as they stood in the lounge door way seeing the two hugging each other while crying there eyes out.

"shiro" Lance sobbed and ran over to the leader of voltron hugging him.

"Keith" Pidge cried and hugged Keith as tightly as she could.

"lance, why are you crying" Shiro asked with worry.

"yeah did something happen" Keith asked and looked to his crying girlfriend.

"i love Keith please dont chose a blade over me, i dont wanna lose you" Pidge sobbed while Keith stood stunned.

"i love you shiro and i dont want to lose you to one of those aliens" Lance cried into shiro chest while shiro stood unsure.

"what have i missed" Keith asked as he turned to shiro.

"i dont know" Shiro replied.

"those two were bragging about how they have the cooler boyfriend but it ended up with theories of you two picking an alien instead of them and well TADA" hunk explained from a sofa where he was reading a book.

"again" Shiro sighed.

"wait again, how often do pidge cry over me" Keith asked shocked.

"its a weekly thing, please sort them both out so i can be left in peace without them crying over the thought of being dumped" Hunk sighed.

"lance, i love you and I'm dating you becuase i want you no one else remember. Your not gonna lose me to anyone else" Shiro smiled gently and lance looked to him.

"really" Lance asked with worry.

"i love you lance" Shiro smiled and kissed his boyfriend who kissed back before smiling.

"love you too shiro" Lance grinned.

"pidge" Keith smiled slightly.

"Keith" Pidge pouted.

"I'm madly in love with the nerdy, badass, sassy, feisty and most beautiful girl i ever met ... i love you pidge and i rather have no one but you standing beside me for the rest of my life" Keith smiled warmly as he lifted pidge chin.

"by your side" Pidge mumbled with worry.

"i love you Katie" Keith smiled softly and kissed pidge lovingly.

"i love you too Keith" Pidge smiled warmly and pulled Keith into another kiss.

"we got the best boyfriends" Lance smirked as he turned to pidge.

"hell yeah we do" Pidge grinned and high fived lance while Keith and shiro chuckled.

"wanna go cuddle" Keith asked with a soft smile.

"yeah" Pidge smiled sweetly and Keith put his arm around her before they walked out the room to go cuddle in pidge room.

"Cuddle" Lance asked with a grin.

"sure" Shiro smiled and grabbed lance hand before the two walked out.

"well now we know they gonna be fighting over who boyfriend cuddles better next week" Hunk sighed.

"are they gone" Coran asked as he pop his head up from behind the sofa.

"yep" hunk smiled and coran joined hunk on the sofa.

"those too scare me more then the galra by how they can be smiling, laughing, fighting then crying" Coran frowned. 

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