Long Time Crush - Kidge.

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"dont leave me with these idiots" Pidge begged as matt walked towards the door.

"hey ... we all smart in our own little way or so mama told me" Lance yelled back from the middle of the anger and pidge just glanced at him before talking to her brother.

"see idiots .. its been fun not having to baby talk about everything these past two days" Pidge smirked as she walked over to her brother.

"I'm leaving tomorrow Katie so we still got tomorrow morning to be total geeks" Matt smiled and ruffle his sister short hair.

"so I'm guessing your coming to tonight party then" Lance asked with a grin.

"yep, who wouldn't miss such a big party decorated to us rebels and voltron paladins .. I'm even gonna ask Allura to be my date since it might be the last i ever see her" Matt smiled fully excited.

"well you better hurry and go find her before she starts asking everyone to go as friends" Pidge grinned and slapped her brother arm.

"thanks .. your the best sis ever" Matt grinned before running out the room.

"wait he cant go with allura .. i wanna go with allura" Lance pouted.

"oh let him have tonight, you get to see allura everyday in a dress this is matt only real chance" Pidge sighed.

"so you gonna ask Keith to go as your date" Lance asked with a grin as pidge froze in her spot before blushing slightly.

"and why would i ask Keith to be my date" Pidge asked back with a hand on her hip.

"you think i didnt notice the way you looked at him when we all saved shiro last year and all the looks you give him since ... a certain someone in love" Lance smirked as he watched Pidge blush harder.

"oh shut it" Pidge mumbled embarrassed that she was caught.

"oh and dont get me started about how you stare at his ass during training" Lance grinned proudly.

"you saw that" Pidge groaned and his her face in her hands.

"yep and i also saw a certain someone freeze up while Keith walk out the showers in only a towel" Lance replied and poked Pidge already bright red face.

"kill me" Pidge groaned.

"should i mention the time when his jacket went missing and a certain someone was" Lance started to say before being zapped by pidge Bayard. 

"yikes what did lance do this time" Keith asked as he entered the room seeing Lance groaning in pain on the ground.

"it was worth it" Lance grunted.

"idiot" Pidge squeaked back still red in the face.

"is everyone ok pidge" Keith asked with a little worry after seeing how red her face.

"oh um yeah just hot" Pidge lied.

"why dont you just strip then" Keith replied before they both freeze, pidge going ever redder in the face while Keith just blushed.

"who knew Keith was such a perv" Lance grinned as he slowly stood up. 

"i-i meant your in such a big jumper .. why not put a top on or something" Keith mumbled back.

"oh right um yeah g-good idea" Pidge mutter back while lance chuckled.

"oh hey Keith, did you ever find that spare vest you have" Lance asked with a smirk as he knew pidge used it as sleepwear after the ship had no clothes for her. 

"nope, its like it just disappeared into thin air" Keith sighed and Pidge glared at lance.

"oh right .. well i wonder what could have happened to it .. right pidgin" Lance grinned as he turned to the shorter paladin.

"I'm warning you lance" Pidge whispered. 

"hey Keith, if a certain someone had a crush on someone for over a year, dont you think they should just confess by asking this someone to a celebration party tonight instead of just hiding up and watching them from a distant" Lance asked with a smile and Pidge just glared at lance.

"ok what did i miss ... something certainly going on and i dont want to be pulled into it" Keith frowned and looked to pidge. 

"its nothing just lance being an annoying idiot" Pidge sighed and crossed her arms.

"oh come on pidge just ask him out or i will" Lance sighed.

"shouldn't you be flirting with a girl or something" Pidge replied and rolled her eyes.

"hey Keith, guess who pidges has a huge crush on" Lance grinned and started to walk over towards Keith before being zapped by pidge once more. 

"dont listen to him, he just an idiot" Pidge replied with worry and step over lance.

"you like someone" Keith asked surprised.

"maybe" Pidge mumbled.

"then he is lucky to have such a great girl crushing on him" Keith smiled slightly.

"you really think so" Pidge asked with a sweet smile and a slight blush over her cheeks.

"well yeah, who wouldn't love you i know i do" Keith smiled softly before they both freeze.

"you love me" Pidge asked with a soft smile and hopeful eyes.

"since i saw you at the garrison" Keith smiled gently and rubbed the back of his neck.

"i love you too, i was just too scared to say anything before" Pidge smiled brightly.

"wanna be my date for tonight" Keith asked with a smirk.

"i love too" Pidge grinned. 

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