Grenade - Lotor x Pidge.

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(Lotor and Pidge are twenty two).

"what no way" Pidge whispered yelled.

"please" Lotor begged.

"how do you expect me to keep that blonde blue eye pretty girl distracted ... if you haven't notice but I'm a chick and not a pretty one" Pidge hissed back. 

"yeah but you look like a cute little brother ... just do this for me please" Lotor replied with puppy eyes.

"what if she notice I'm a girl or i cant flirt long enough for you to get her friend number" Pidge asked with worry.

"then we just have a drink before having a movie munchy night at your place like we planned" Lotor smiled and placed a hand on his friend shoulder.

"fine but only this once" Pidge sighed and Lotor grinned.

"your the best" Lotor grinned and hugged his childhood friend.

"yeah but you owe me some cookies" Pidge smirked and the two walked over to a pretty blonde blue eye girl and a gorgeous blue eye long white hair girl. 

"can we help you" the white hair girl asked turning to them both.

"i was just wondering how an angle found herself in a place like this instead of heaven bar" Lotor smirked while giving a flirty wink and the girl blushed.

"i just didnt know i could see someone so pretty in my life, I'm a little star struck to finally meet you" Pidge smiled sweetly and rubbed the back of her neck while looking at the blushing blonde girl. 

"well who new cute nerds could be real" the blonde smirked.

"may i know such an angle name" Lotor asked with a smile.

"Allura" the white hair girl replied and lotor kissed her hand.

"may i know the name of the girl who stole my heart just like her father who stole the stars and placed them in your eyes" Pidge asked with a grin.

"Romelle" she blushed and pidge bow to her. 

"why dont we dance, I'm sure i can show you more then just my dancing moves" Lotor smirked and lifted his hand to allura.

"i look forward to it" Allura smiled and took lotor hand being lead to the dance floor.

"fancy a drink, i feel like I'm burning up by how hot you are" Pidge asked with a small gentle smile and waved her own face a little.

"a drink sounds good but not as good as you" Romelle smiled. 

"cookies, do it for the cookies pidge .. its only gonna take a couple drinks and dances before she gives him her number then we be home and eating cookies" Pidge thought to herself while they waited for the drinks to come.

Pidge just did small talk with Romelle trying to keep her distracted while also keeping a equal relationship bond since she didnt want hurt the girl or lead her on much. After all she only need to make sure she doesn't walk over to allura and get in the way, no need to flirt and lead the stranger on. 

The only problem was pidge wasn't a people person and everyone she enjoyed most didnt understand .. meaning after an hour of small talk she had no idea what to say. She listened to Romelle chat away but now she was done with chatting.

Pidge knew Romelle would start getting board soon since the girl was already looking around the pub and mumbled about what guys seemed hot or her type. Pidge did think about letting Romelle go hook up with another guy but then she would start talking about lotor or pointing him out with allura meaning she would try getting in the way. 

Pidge tried giving lotor looks to say hurry the fuck up becuase he out of time but he was in his own world with allura. 

Then pidge bad luck kicked in when her old collage bullies walked in.

Pidge only left collage two years ago and still looked like her normal boyish nerd self meaning the bullies recognised her straight away and walked over.

"oh its shorty" Zethrid grinned as she walked over with Ezor, Acxa and Sendak. 

"oh just kill me now" Pidge mumbled with a frown and Romelle sat puzzled.

"oh dont tell me you finally made a real friend for once" Ezor smirked and turned to Romelle.

"oh no we just met tonight at the bar" Romelle smiled. 

"dont tell me you dont known ... pidge is a girl" Acxa grinned and Romelle turned to pidge in pure horror.

"sorry" Pidge whispered and looked down in guilt.

"bitch" Romelle hissed and threw her drink over pidge before standing. 

"seems your meant to be alone forever" Sendak laughed and Pidge looked to her lap. 

"what going on here" Lotor asked with worry as he ran over.

"just checking up on old nerdy" Ezor grinned.

"allura lets leave, this guy is really a she .. she was tricking me from the start" Romelle frowned and ran to her friend side.

"did you know" Allura yelled at Lotor who tensed.

"no, i bumped into him at the bar and was too scared to talk to others so he tried helping me out" Pidge lied and stood up before Romelle grabbed allura hand and ran off.

"well dont worry, we make sure to have fun with you" Sendak grinned and grabbed pidge by her collar making her yelp a little.

"leave her alone" Lotor frowned and placed a hand on Sendak arm.

"Lotor, its been forever i missed you .. didnt you miss me" Acxa smirked as she placed one hand on lotor chest and the other on his neck in a sexy way.

"i dumped you for a reason Acxa, dont think just because its been a couple years i would take you back" Lotor hissed and pushed Acxa back before glaring at Sendak.

"run after her" Pidge hissed shocking Lotor.

"what about you" Lotor asked with worry.

"I've lasted four years with these pricks but you might only meet her this once .. dont ruin your chance and go get her number" Pidge mumbled back.

"pidge" Lotor whispered and looked to her as she just smiled back.

"go win her over ya idiot" Pidge smiled brightly.

"i might have never beaten your grades but I'm not dumb enough to lose a perfect women" Lotor smirked and twisted Sendak arm making him drop pidge.

"well could you have at least put something soft under me" Pidge grinned and Lotor grabbed her hand before pulling her up.

"can you complain after we run" Lotor sighed and started running out the pub never letting go of pidge arm. 

"i still want my cookies" Pidge smirked.

"you can have my heart and cookies for the rest of our lives" Lotor smiled warmly and bought Pidge into a sweet warm kiss.

"i keep you to that promise until we die" Pidge grinned before running again. 

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