A Dance - James x Pidge.

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"not a people fan" James asked with a gentle smile as he stood beside pidge who watched the others dance with joy before her. 

"not really" She smiled slightly and turned to him, seeing him a formal burgundy suit while she was in a light green dress that ended at her ankles.

"I'm the same, i rather just sit on jet and look to the stars wondering what the future might bring" James smiled and pidge giggled.

"well I'm sure you didnt expect the future to be us fighting purple space cats" pidge grinned and James chuckled. 

"that was the one thing i didnt come up with" James smirked and they both laughed before turning back to watch the other soldiers, paladins, aliens, blades, rebels and parents dance. 

"shouldn't you be dancing with your girlfriend or a hot chick, i hear your very popular with the ladies and is the dream guy on the base ... well until us paladins came back with her awesome beauty" Pidge smirked and James grinned. 

"well i might be popular and I'm still in the top five to date even if your paladins beauty has join the game but I'm not interested in anyone" James smiled and glanced to the green paladin. 

"yeah humans love really sucks sometimes but it can be fun" Pidge smiled brightly.

"i agree but its hard to love when you cant find anyone who makes you smile the way others cant" James smiled and Pidge nodded. 

"well i might not be one of those girls with all the right stuff but wanna dance" Pidge asked with a sweet smile and held her hand out. 

"i think your the perfect girl to dance with" James smiled softly and took pidge hand before leading her to the dance floor and pulling her close as they danced the night away. 

Neither understood why the other made them smile so much even without saying a word. 

Neither understood why the had such a warm feeling while be around the other. 

Neither understood why they couldn't stop about thinking the other. 

Neither understood the feeling of love ... not yet. 

Months past making them fly off to space with the atlas and focus on ending the war. But both kept passing each other. Both voltron paladins and MFE fighter trained together. Both always bumped into each other and spend more time with each other without knowing it. Nights spent in the green lion together or on his Jet just talking and laughing together. 

"lance let me done or so god help me i kill you and burn the body before helping the cops search for you" Pidge yelled as lance carried the shorter paladin over his shoulder. 

"why did i let you guys force me into bringing pidge to training" Lance frowned as he walked into the atlas small training room. 

"becuase unlike you we not stupid enough to pull pidge out of her lion when she working on a project" Keith smirked as lance placed pidge down. 

"pidge please dont kill us, allura wanted to do the extra training" Hunk mumbled with worry as he hid behind Keith. 

"we made a deal allura, i would do double the training the day before i start a project as long as you give me two free days to work on my project without being disturbed and its only day one" Pidge hissed and glared at the altean princess who shivered. 

"w-well i just thought we needed to bond as a team a little more and well after the last could harsh fights with the pirates i thought it might be a good idea" Allura nervously replied.

"we jumped of a cliff together becuase we trusted each other in the last battle, i think we bonded enough" Pidge sighed and crossed her arms. 

"pidge, the princess was just wanting to bond .. you can work on your project a little later" Shiro smiled kindly while Keith, hunk and lance slowly stepped to the door ready to escape pidge rage. 

"oh bad move" Pidge growled and shiro started to get scared. 

"oh Katie, i was bringing you a hot chocolate but the green lion was empty" James smiled softly as he came walked in with a green cup with hot chocolate inside.

"aww really" Pidge smiled sweetly and ran over to James while the others stood stunned. 

"yep and i even stole some of hunks cookies" James grinned and pulled out a plastic lunch bag with four cookies inside.

"thanks your the best" Pidge cheered and hugged James nearly making him spill her drink. 

"no worries, just make sure you get at least a couple hours of sleep, i know you love your projects but sleep important too" James smiled gently as he placed the cookies back in his pocket and ruffle her hair. 

"dont worry i will, i know your carry me to bed again if i dont" Pidge smirked. 

"yep, i come check on you later since i got to bond with my team and need to chat with the engineer who checking my jet first" James smiled. 

"did they mess up again" Pidge asked with worry. 

"yeah, i think i might need to book you again to have a look at our baby" James smirked since he and pidge called his jet their baby after they both worked on it so much.

"sure thing, i can fix it up right now before i start on my project again and just look it over before you check up on me later to see if our baby ok" Pidge smiled softly. 

"thanks, well good luck with your project" James smiled and passed Pidge her cup and cookies.

"thanks and enjoy bonding with your friends, just dont kill them with training again" Pidge grinned and James chuckled. 

"I'm not making any promises" James smirked and pidge giggled while he left. 

"what the hell was that" Shiro yelled in complete shock. 

"what" Pidge asked confused. 

"the thing with you and James, when did you two start dating" Hunk asked with a kind smile. 

"we not dating, we just friends" Pidge replied like an idiot.

"no you guys are defiantly not friends, we friends but we dont act like a couple. Wait is it a crush thing and your both just too scared to confess" Lance grinned and jumped on the spot.

"crush, confess .. i dont get it" Pidge asked puzzled.

"love, you love James ... right" Keith smirked and pidge blushed.

"love" Pidge yelp while going bright red.

"wow you didnt even know, pidge your in love with James and James is in love with you" Allura smiled brightly and clapped her hands together. 

"love me and him" Pidge mumbled. 

"yep" Hunk grinned.

"love like lovers" Pidge muttered.

"like lovers" Shiro chuckled. 

"why dont you try confession" Lance smiled and patted pidge shoulder.

"confessing" Pidge asked with worry.

"your got this pidge, love always win remember" Keith smirked and Pidge nodded before running out. 

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