Hidden Gender Truth - Part 2 - Kidge.

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Pidge laid on the bed in lance farm house. 

Her fever wasn't as high anymore but she was still sick. 

She cried in her sleep and called out as she remember the night her family was killed. 

She was stuck in her past in a loop. It showed all the happy memories before ending in their slaughter. 

Keith stood Leaning on the room wall just listening as he wished he could protect her. 

At first he walked out of lance house as lance told Keith to undo pidge kimono without thinking while he got cold water and a towel for her fever. Keith did as was asked, he would do anything to help her but as he learned her secret. He saw the bandages and at first he was worried she was injured but as he went to check the wound, it was clear she was not a he. Shock filled him as he ran out of the farm house leaving lance puzzled before he entered the room and realised his mistake. He focused on helping pidge first and Keith replied in the middle of the night. Lance found him sleeping beside the bed, holding pidge hand. 

Its been two days now and pidge was getting better, lance gave her the right medication and told Keith to rest while he could. Lance washed Pidge kimono, leaving the blankets to cover her up since she was smaller then his sisters ever was. Keith stayed out the room, a little embarrassed as lance did ask him to undress her and well he couldn't do it making lance be the one to. Lance didnt fully undress her since he a man himself, he only took her kimono nothing more. 

It was in the middle of the night when Pidge opened her eyes felling strange. She felt a chill and sat up wondering where she was. She didnt remember walking back with Keith or anything, so why was she here. She looked around the empty room and freeze as she sat Keith sleeping in a chair by the wall. She smiled softly and jumped out of the bed before dragging the blanket from her bed covering him. Trying her best not to wake him as she did cover him. She started walking to the door wondering if she could find out where she was and how she got here but she found a creepy floor board and Keith eyes shot up.

"Pidge" he whispered yell with relief before blushing, she was still in her underwear and bandage chest. 

"Keith, your face is red are you sick" Pidge asked with worry and started walking over before Keith covered his eyes and pointed making Pidge look to herself before going bright red and dragging the other blanket of the bed covering herself. 

"um are you covered" Keith asked embarrassed.

"y-yeah" Pidge muttered with a bright red face.

"I'm glad your ok pidge, you got sick and well a guy named lance helped us" Keith explained and Pidge nodded.

"sorry to cause trouble" Pidge frowned.

"dont be, i was worried i was going to lose you" Keith replied shocking her but making her fill with joy.

"so um, my clothes" Pidge asked a little awkward.

"oh um lance is washing your kimono, he didnt undress you anymore so dont worry. your ladyness is still pure" Keith mumbled and Pidge giggled at how Keith was trying to act like a gentlemen. 

"i dont think i ever will be a lady but thanks for protecting me" Pidge smiled brightly and Keith gave a soft smile back.

"so your a women, i did have a feeling you were strange but i thought you were just a freak" Keith smirked and the two laughed.

"sorry for not telling you, when you first found me i was being chases and well you seem to keep a distant from girls for some reason and i thought you wouldn't want me anymore if you knew the truth" Pidge sighed and Keith turned to her surprise.

"no matter your gender, your still pidge to me and i wont just leave you without a reason" Keith whispered yelled and Pidge stood stunned.

"r-really" Pidge muttered out.

"really, your still my friend and partner for life but i wish you told be before it took you getting sick to tell me your were a women. I mean we have shared bathing in a river and well i haven't been the most gentlemen around you" Keith blushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"i didnt mind, i enjoyed hanging with you. No matter how ungentlemanly you were" Pidge grinned and the two laughed.

"no more secrets" Keith smiled gently and held his hand out.

"no more secrets" Pidge smiled sweetly and shook Keith hand.

"aww, you two are so cute but shut the hell up, its early in the morning and I'm trying to sleep" Lance yelled in the doorway making the two laugh. 

"thanks for the help lance but um my clothes" Pidge smiled as she pointed to the blacker she using to cover herself.

"oh just sleep for now, it be dried in the morning" Lance mumbled before walking away.

"well you heard him, sleep" Keith sighed and Pidge nodded and wobble over the bed trying not to trip on the blanket.

"night" Pidge smiled as she laid in the bed.

"night" Keith smiled as he sat in the chair, cover himself with the blanket.

"so your still gonna treat me like pidge" Pidge asked as she glanced to Keith.

"yep but i we dont need to wash in the same river at the same time ever again" Keith replied and Pidge nodded. She always felt it awkward washing and would hide her body under the water on propose and angle herself so she only showed her back to Keith before running to put her clothes.

"then jump in the bed, we can use my blanket to keep us a layer apart" Pidge smirked back and Keith tense.

"but pidge" Keith sighed.

"you said you wont treat me any different, jump on the bed and lay on my blanket now or i will sit on your lap on the chair" Pidge replied and Keith took a deep breath before slowly walking over and standing by the bed looking to pidge.

"Keith" Pidge muttered as she stared at him before tapped the other side of the bed since she wiggle over for him to fit.

"your just pidge" Keith mumbled to himself and laid down with his feet by her head and her feet near his chest. 

"night" Pidge cheered and closed her eyes.

"Night" Keith frowned and closed his eyes. 

"stop shaking, I'm not going to jump you" Pidge grumbled and Keith sighed. 

"sorry" Keith replied and pidge rolled over so her back was to him, hoping it help calm him a little.

"get some sleep or i will kill you" Pidge warned and started to doze off. 


I will do a part 3 after Christmas where he returns home and to his step family. It will be a fight to live ...

I might do part 3 before Christmas if i have time but no promises.

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