Kuro - Shidge.

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In this story shiro doesn't become a clone, he just gets taken by Zarkon while haggar sends a shiro clone towards the paladins. Lets call clone shiro as kuro and when kuro tries to take down voltron they stop him then save the real shiro from a galra ship cell. 

"we getting married" Allura smiled brightly as she held her hand up in the air to show everyone the ring.

"we thinking of a summer wedding next year and of course we want you boys as my groomsmen and pidge your going to be one of the bridesmaids" Shiro smiled kindly and everyone cheered at the news. Well a certain paladin stood in shock and wanted to scream. But she knew she couldn't ruin the man she love happiness and forced a smile on her face.

"oh please let me be the one to bake the wedding cake" Hunk begged with a huge smile.

"yeah and you must let me help you with the wedding dress shopping" Lance grinned and shiro chuckled at the two paladins.

"well who else would make the cake beside you hunk and lance I'm going to need your advice with what dress goes best with me" Allura smiled brightly.

"congrats" Keith smiled and patted Shiro arm who smiled back.

"yeah, I'm glad you could find someone but who knew it would take you going to space to find that someone" Pidge smirked and Keith chuckled at their green paladin way of saying congrats.

"thanks Katie, I'm glad you approve after all I'm gonna need both of my arms for this wedding" Shiro smiled and hugged the arms of voltron who laughed at their leader.

"I'm so proud of you princess, your father would be so happy at the news of you marrying" Coran smiled while crying as he hugged allura.

That night a small party was held on the castle. Only the paladins and two alteans were at the small party since they were still in the middle of a war. Hunk cooked a feast for them all to eat and Lance helped coran make a type of space wine or beer. Everyone was either already passed out or drunk somewhere in the castle. 

Well everyone apart from the green paladin who didnt touch any of the wine or beer. She had news of her own but now she wasn't so happy over her own news. She sat on top of the green lion head just looking out to space while her left hand gently laid on her stomach. 

She was pregant but it seemed she wasn't going to get the happy ending she hoped. You see she had a relationship with kuro, shiro clone. He seemed to be the shiro she always wanted to call her own. She was happy with kuro even if she had a bad feeling about him at the time. But she was happy and it seemed kuro loved her just as much as she loved shiro. It hurt when the team found shiro to be the clone they nicknamed kuro in the end. She was the one to kill him and she cried at his last words. "I love you" he whispered to her and smiled warmly while she took his life. Its been two months since Kuro died and they got shiro back.

Pidge was pregant and well she thought maybe if kuro loved her then shiro would. After all he was his clone and apart from thinking the galra way he was just like shiro. She hoped that maybe shiro did love her and she planned to confess to him once it was clear she was pregant. She found out the news this morning when Keith yelped used the altean version of a pregnancy test and well she planned to confess tonight with a scan photo of the baby.

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