Hacker Fake Lover - Kidge.

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"Hey Katie" A twenty seven year old Matt smiled brightly and have a small wave to his little sister.

"Its been awhile" A twenty Seven year old Shiro smiled kindly.

"your dead, i buried you both years ago" A twenty two year old Pidge frowned and placed a hand on her hip.

"your smart enough to know we faked it, we had to go into hiding but it was too risky to let you know so we faked our death's" Matt explained.

"sorry for not telling you but it was the only way" Shiro smiled guiltily.

"no worries, i mean its not like i had to burry the last of my family while i was still just a teen. I mean its not like i cried and had to face being alone in the world while it seemed you two were still alive all along but dont worry I'm not mad or anything" Pidge hissed and walked over to lance who was the one sent to bring her to their base. 

"Katie" Matt sighed.

"hey, mind if i have a look at that .. its been awhile since i saw a gun" Pidge smiled and a twenty three year old  lance looked unsure at first but nodded and pulled out his gun.

"just be careful, the safety on but it can be dangerous for someone who not use to guns" Lance replied with a small smile and passed his hand gun over to pidge.

"oh, i know how to use one very well" Pidge smirked and shot at her older brother and child hood friend who was like a brother to her. Six bullet holes filled the far wall with a scared shiro and Matt in the middle. Pidge shot with perfect aim beside their heads keeping them in place while she sat between their legs but not actually harming them.

"when did you learn to use a gun" Matt yelled in fear as he and shiro stayed pinned to the wall still scared for their lives.

"I'm really handy with guns i learned over the years, now your going to tell me why you suddenly decided to stop playing dead and bring me here ... oh and do take care of your words otherwise the next two bullets will go in your heads" Pidge replied and placed her free hand on her hip.

"ok, we know your a hacker for a wanted gang and that you hold strength. We need your help in killing Zarkon" Shiro frowned and looked to pidge in the eye seeing her rolled her eyes.

"Lover-boy go stand with the friendly heart and dont try anything otherwise these two will be dropping dead tonight" Pidge sighed and turned to lance watching him walk over to a frightened twenty three year old hunk in the corner. 

"hotie go stand in the corner beside shiro and matt, oh and face the wall please" Pidge smirked and a twenty four year old Keith did as he was told.

"we know you must be mad at us but we wont harm you sis, we still family" Matt smiled weakly.

"oh i know but hotie here as a great ass and i can glance at it while you two explain but i didnt want lover-boy being stupid behind me and running my eye candy" Pidge grinned and shiro chuckled.

"great ass ... Hotie" Keith whispered with a slight blush as he turned his head slightly to look at pidge.

"yes I'm in lotor gang but I'm partners with lotor since he needs my brain and skills. I do know zarkon since i got a weakly gang meeting but he tries to kill me weakly or tries to win me over to work under him. I can get close but non of you will" Pidge mumbled and lowered the gun a little.

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