Experiment - Lotor + Pidge.

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"Pidge" Lotor called the shorter seventeen year old who stood by the ship window looking out to space.

"why was i made" Pidge asked with a frown as she looked to her reflection.

She was short and was made by magic. She had short sofr hazel hair with pretty hazel eyes and cute freckles over her cheeks and nose. She had pale white skin and her eyes glowed green when she used her lion stregth or lion power within. She was an Experiment born by magic and by the galra hands. She was made to be a powerful weapon but she was born with feelings making her feel and think. She was smart, way smarter then anyone of zarkon ship at the time and was even smarter then princes Lotor. The man who took her in when zarkon just her a failed Experiment for feeling, she was have just been killed at the age of thierteen but Lotor took her in.

"you know the anwser, my father wanted a weapon that could destory voltron and made you from the same magical enegery from the lions" Lotor sighe and watched as she looked to the ground before stepping away from the glass.

"why did you save me, you have only used me to help planets and to work with them in a peaceful way. Your father had me killing so many over and over. I'm a monster that is a sin to nature yet you wanted me to live" Pidge mumbled with a frown and pain in her eyes.

"i couldnt let you die just beaucse you didnt agree with my fathers ways. I want you to live your own life and help safe instead of kill. You agree with my way of ruling and you wish to stop my father, so why wouldnt i save you that night" Lotor smiled gently and walked towards her placing his hand on her cheek making her look to him.

"Lotor" She whispered and he smiled.

"your imporant to me pidge and i do anything to protect you, so please Live" Lotor smiled sweetly and a slight blush took over pidge cheeks. 

"you shouldnt say such thinks Lotor, you have your own life and i always stand beside you until you no longer need me" Pidge smiled softly and removed Lotor hand from her cheek. 

"i see, well lets head over to voltron we have a truce to make and im counting on you to keep an eye out for trouble" Lotor smiled and ruffled pidge hair.

"got it, lets go" Pidge smiled brightly and grabbed Lotor hand before running towards his ship. 



Lotor landed his ship in the castle of lions and noticed pidge going pale.

"dont worry, everything will be ok .. your not the weapon my father made .. your pidge remember" Lotor smiled and took Pidge hand before leading out out of his ship where the other paladins stood waiting along with the two alteans. 

"Lotor" Pidge whispered as she fell to the ground holding her head. She could hear the five lions of voltron talking and feel their paladins fear. She listened at the five lions roared and yelled questions at her strange assistance making her cry and scream in pain. 

"Pidge" Lotor called with fear and knee in front of her placing his hands over hers that covered her ears. His purple eyes looked into her hazle ones begging for anwser while worry took over his body.

"the l-lions .. i can hear them and feel them" Pidge cired and she wanted it all to stop.

"tell your lions to shut up, its hurting her" Lotor yelled at the stunned paladins.

"lotor" Pidge cired and lotor turned back to her.

"its going to be ok pidge, just focus on me" Lotor smiled gently and pidge listened to Lotor voice as the lions onces started to fade away and all the extra emotions left her body before she rested her head on lotor chest.

"thank you" She whipsered and Lotor held her tightly.

"are you feeling better" Lotor asked with a small smile and pidge hummed back.

"you hold the same power as voltron but how your human" Hunk the yellow paladin asked in shock.

"no she may look human but she isint, listen to your lion she a forced life made to destroy voltron but having the same power as voltron" Keith frowned and looked pidge over.

"yes she was made by my father but she was born with feelings and learned to hate herself. She hated killing and the way zarkon ruled. Becuase of her feelings she was seen as a failed Experiment in zarkon eyes and she was sent to be killed but i saved her. She brings no harm, she just wants to end this war" Lotor explained.

"it so sad, i can feel all the pain and saddness she does ... no its only a little bit of how you feel the lions are holding back on us" Lance frowned as tears left his eyes and it seemed the other paladins lions showd them the same feeling.

"lets work together to bring peace to all and once this war is over you can be free" Shiro smiled gently and held a hand out to pidge who turned to lotor first.

"we can trust them, they are the voltron paladins who gain the lions trust" Lotor smiled brightly and pidge took shiro hand. 

"i will fight but no harm must come to lotor" Pidge replied and shiro nodded while lotor stood. 

"i can protect myself, i dont need you to make a deal with voltron" Lotor sighed and crossed his arms.

"your always saving me, i just want this to be a place where i wont lose you" Pidge smiled softly and Lotor blushed slightly.

"like your lose to me" Lotor smirked and ruffle pidge hair. 

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