His Son - Shidge.

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"mum" Galaxy grinned as he ran into the green lion hanger.

"hello my little rebel, how can I help" Pidge smiled brightly and lifted her six year old son into the air. 

"uncle matt and uncle Keith are coming to visit me" Galaxy smiled brightly and hugged his mother. 

"that great news, we haven't been able to see your uncles in a couple months" Pidge smiled sweetly to her son and kissed his cheek making him giggle.

"you think that maybe dad will come and visit me soon. I've been really good this year and its nearly Christmas or so it would be on earth says uncle lance" Galaxy mumbled with worry.

"that right Christmas is two weeks away, that why we helped decorate the castle last weekend with uncle hunk and lance remember" Pidge smiled softly and sat on her stool playing Galaxy on her lap. 

"yeah it looks really pretty now" Galaxy smiled proudly. 

"yep, I'm so proud of your skills I think you even out did lance decorating area" Pidge smirked and Galaxy chuckled making his eyes light up leaving pidge to smile sweetly at her son. 

"I did do better then uncle lance, he still got a kiddy brain" Galaxy grinned and pidge giggled at her son comment. 

"oh look at the time, its time for lunch lets go before uncle Hunk starts calling for us" Pidge smiled softly and Galaxy jumped down before taking his mother hand as they walked. 

Galaxy was shiro son. He looked just like his father and he even and a tuff but instead of it being white it was pure black like the rest of his hair. His eyes was grey and the only thing he took from pidge was her cute freckles over his cheeks and her smiles. He was smart and cheeky like his mother as well but he was also gentle and caring like his father. 

Shiro never knew he had a son since he went missing, well he was killed. But everyone lied to Galaxy saying the black lion was just mission in battle and not really dead since they couldn't believe shiro was dead. They all hoped he return and still did since they saw him in Galaxy.

Shiro went missing after haggar took him and everyone looked for him for months but nothing. Pidge was already six months pregant when he was taken and well she soon had Galaxy. She had to protect their son while being the green paladin. She just had to trust her heart knowing shiro would one day return to her. 

"hey little hero" Lance grinned as mother and son walked into the dinner room.

"uncle lance" Galaxy grinned and ran over hugging the now red paladin. 

"well someone seems happy, I'm guessing you heard I made cupcake or space cupcakes" Hunk smiled kindly and Galaxy eyes sparkled. 

"uncle hunk cooking is the best" Galaxy cheered and ran over hugging hunk leg making them all chuckle.

"so do we know when Keith and matt will arrive" Pidge asked with a sweet smile as she helped her son to his chair before sitting beside him in her normal space. 

"tomorrow it seems, they be staying till Christmas after the blades and rebels told them they could hold the bases down so go be with their family" Allura smiled sweetly as she sat down at the head of the table.

"we might be lucky this year and might not have to fight so much this Christmas. Since joining with Lotor and fighting will him less Galra has been fighting back and joined us. We could have a peaceful human Christmas" Coran smiled brightly and the four paladins cheered. 

"you think becuase there gonna be no fighting this Christmas then daddy can come home to us. It be safe for him to return" Galaxy asked with a hopeful smile and shining eyes. 

"maybe my little rebel but I cant promise anything" Pidge smiled softly and stroked her son hair. 

"ho ho ho" Keith cheered as the door opened showing him and Matt.

"where my cute little geek" Matt grinned and ran over to where Galaxy was sitting before hugging him.

"Uncle matt, Uncle Keith came early" Galaxy smiled brightly.

"but you told us ten minutes ago you were a day away" Coran mumbled a little stunned.

"we lied since we wanted to surprise you all" Matt smiled and placed Galaxy down to hug his sister while Keith hugged Galaxy.

"hey little fighter, you been caught trouble" Keith asked with a small smirk.

"tons" Galaxy smiled and Keith chuckled while placing him back down. 

"its good to see you both, sit down and eat with us" Hunk smiled kindly and the two did as hunk said. 

"wow this feels like a real family Christmas" Lance smiled gently.

"yeah, I just wish shiro could be sitting with us enjoying this small peace" Pidge smiled softly and looked to her wedding wing on her finger. She never married shiro since they promised to get marry on earth but they both had a ring on their finger as a promise. 

"dont worry mum, dad will come home for Christmas I read it in a book" Galaxy smiled brightly.

"well lets start eating, the food looks great" Allura smiled trying to move on and everyone started eating. 

But just maybe even Christmas miracles could happen even in space or maybe it was just space magic becuase later that night a man who loved by them all came home at last. 

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