Cheeky Love - Plance.

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Human race was growing and changing for the better. But some still made the same mistakes and some mistakes would change the world forever.

A science experiment went wrong creating a new type of living creature. The beasts is what they were nicknames as they were truly deadly creatures.

They lived in packs and was too wild for the human race to control. Now the human race lives in fear and they fight to survive. But  the human race wouldn't go down without a fight and rebels bases was made to fight back the beasts making peace return to earth.

Each rebel giving a blade that made with a drop of their blood in a special machine. Only their blood blade could injury or kill a beast.  New Armour was invented that stayed strong even against the beasts claws and teeth.

This was the human race last fight for survival.

"so how did it go" Shiro the leader of the rebel base asked as the main team walked into the middle of the base.

"well really well until lance sneezed and shot at a wall making the beasts become alert" Keith sighed and shiro turned to see the three a little beaten up and their armour dirtied.

"oh and dont forget that he woke up the whole nest making them all come to try and eat us, well painfully beat us to death before eating us" Pidge smirked and lance pouted.  

"i told you  to not hang around outside last night since you would catch a cold" Hunk the medic frowned as he stood next to shiro.

"i dont have a cold, it was just one sneeze" Lance frowned and crossed his arms. 

"well you three look awful, what happened" Allura the main boss of the rebels said with a small smile as she walked over.

"and as gorgeous as always i see boss" Lance grinned and wink at allura who rolled her eyes.

"try flirting when you dont have a bleeding lip and look like you got hit by a bus" Hunk smiled kindly while Pidge giggled.

"lucky him, I feel like I was hit by a trunk before taking a beating by my mum while being stamp on by a t-rex" Pidge groaned and shiro chuckled.

"you three go with hunk to the medical room, shay and Romelle will treat you two and hunk can patch up with lance" Shiro smiled gently and the three nodded.

"oh and we destroyed the nest .. even with lance messing the plan up" Keith slightly smiled and placed his arm around pidge waste while she placed her arm over his shoulder so the two could help the other limp over to the medical room while hunk helped lance walk. 

"good work you three" Allura yelled as they limped away. 



"wow you three fought a whole nest alone, are you stupid or just really stupid" Romelle mumbled with worry.

"well we had to fight them just to get out before setting the bombs off" Keith replied as Romelle wrapped his injuries up. 

"you three are going to be the death of me" Hunk sighed as he cleaned Lance wounds up making him flinch a little.

"how do you think we feel, we the ones always nearly dying" Lance frowned but quickly turned to the last bed of the medical room where pidge sat  with a Curtin separating the two males and Female being treated after hearing her yelp.

"sorry pidge, nearly done" Shay replied with a sadden smile.

"its fine, just ouch" Pidge weakly smile.

"Pidgin" Lance called with worry and looked to the pulled curtain hiding the bed pidge was sitting on to giver her privacy from the boys as  she was treated.

"I'm ok lance" Pidge replied in a soft voice.

"stop worrying so much, she going to be just fine" Keith whispered with a small smile and Lance gave a small nod.

"right well you boys are all done, just rest up until your mostly healed" Romelle smiled sweetly. 

"Pidge is all done too but she gonna need a hand when walking, I dont want her going solo again" Shay smiled as she pulled back the curtain showing a bandage up and cleaner pidge.

"well I go let shiro and allura know you three are all bandaged up and meet you back in the break room" Hunk smiled brightly and the three nodded before all slowly jumping off their beds.

"you think allura will notice any of the beers going missing, I wouldn't mind drinking one right now" Keith said with a small smirk. 

"that sounds good to me" Lance grinned and limped of to pidge more.

"yeah, we can just fill the beer with water after and place them back in the morning" Pidge smiled brightly and the three chuckled.

"here" Lance smiled gently as he placed an arm around pidge helping her walk and take most of the weight of herself.

"thanks" Pidge smiled sweetly and placed an arm around his hips.

"oh just kiss already" Keith smirked and the two blushed. 

"we just close not dating" Lance mumbled back with rosy cheeks.

"yeah we just been together for a long time since the end of the world, stop trying to make us a thing" Pidge muttered with a blush over her cheeks.

"tell me you dont like each other when you stop blushing so much" Keith grinned and walked a little ahead of the blushing two. 



"I'm just going to pee, maybe drinking beer wasn't a good idea with a broken rib" Keith groaned and limped out of the room leaving a cuddle up lance and pidge.

"Pidgin" Lance whispered with a gentle smile and pidge hummed on his chest.

"love me" Lance sighed and felt pidge tense.

"lance you know we cant be together" Pidge frowned.

"pidge, I dont care about your past or your family name. I love Pidge Gunderson. The girl who tricked me into thinking was a boy for a whole year until your lady shapes grew. The sassy, smart, pretty, feisty, cute, strong and the most beautiful girl ever to be born in this world. I love you Katie" Lance smiled warmly and looked into pidge hazel eyes as she turned to face him.

"Lance" Pidge whispered with a blush over her cheeks.

"I love you" Lance whispered with pleading eyes.

"I love you too" Pidge smiled warmly and joined their lips making a sweet loving kiss. 

"then be mine until our last breath" Lance smiled sweetly as he looked to the one he loved.

"you idiot, I was always yours" Pidge smiled softly and they shared another sweet kiss. 


I have done a part 2 in my new oneshot book.

Here the link to Part 2 -

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