Should Have Listened - Kidge.

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I knew them since high school, they both came over to me after i lost my father in a car crash. He was the last family member i had left and left me tons of money to live a good life. They heard how rich i suddenly became and came over to me one lunch. 

They played friends but all they wanted was my money. I did warn them but they never listened to me, they just acted like friends before asking for more money. Of course i bought them everything they wanted and watched them hover around me. When high school finished they moved into my house and used the spare rooms. They spend my money on new things daily and never listened to a word i said. 

So when they gave me a list of things i must buy for them month i made a new account under their names. I gave them their own card and placed a lot of money in their bank account. I watched from the side lines as they started their illegal business and i tried to warn them again but i was just money in their eyes. 

I couldn't have gave them over to the cops not until they got too deep and went dangerous. I made sure they signed for everything they bought and i got all the evidence in this box. 

Photos, video feed from my hidden cameras, voice recordings and the paperwork they thought they burned but it was the fakes i replaced them with. I got evidence over everyone single main boss in this town working with them both and well its too much evidence for any to just walk away. This is what the cops have needed for a very long time and every single boss along with them both will be locked up for a very long time without mercy. 

I did warn them i worked for the government since i was caught hacking it at twelve" Pidge smirked and pushed the box over to her boss shiro who grinned at the evidence that would lock up many wanted criminals and not even lawyers could save them from the time. 

"good work pidge, i go bring them in" Shiro smiled and started to walk to the door with lance another cop on the case.

"why betray them now" Lance asked unsure. 

"i told you, they weren't my friends and i wasn't there's. If only they listened to my warnings instead of used my money for their own benefit" Pidge grinned and stood up walking to the door that shiro held open.

"poor girls, they have no clue who they just messed with" Shiro sighed and Pidge giggled as she left the room.

"want to visit them when we bring them in" Lance asked with a goofy grin. 

"sure, i want to see their faces when they realise I'm not going to save them" Pidge smiled and walked the room.

"say hi to Keith for us" Shiro smiled gently.

"well we wont be saying much in my bedroom but maybe after" Pidge yelled back before turning the corner. 

"well Keith gonna be a good mood tomorrow" Lance grinned and Shiro chuckled. 

Two days Later ..

Pidge walked into the interrogation room where allura and Acxa sat with shiro opposite them.

 "Piggy" Allura cheered as the short women walked in with a soft smile. 

"hey girls" Pidge grinned and stood at the end of the table.

"Piggy, pay this man to let us go please" Allura begged.

"oh sure thing, here your free card just use that" Pidge smiled brightly and passed her ID card over to Acxa. 

"Officer Holt, All Access and high rank hacker" Acxa read out and showed Allura the ID card. 

"your a cop" Acxa mumbled in shock.

"yeah kinda have been since i was twelve but those shoes were pretty on you both" Pidge smiled sweetly and took her ID back while Shiro just smiled.

"you betrayed us" Allura yelled. 

"oh honey, you betrayed yourself by messing with me and thinking I'm just a stupid orphanage" Pidge grinned and shiro chuckled.

"well you ladies can either confess now and we get you one your way to jail or you can wait to fight in court but still go to jail since you cant beat the evidence we got on you and many more" Shiro smiled and looked to the girls. 

"i would just confess, fighting in court wont help you" Pidge replied.

"you played us from the start" Axca smirked impressed.

"wasn't you doing the same, the only difference is that i listened to my players" Pidge smirked. 

"piggy" Allura yelled as pidge walked to the door. 

"oh and that hotie you both kept flirting with and apparently was going to sleep with him by the end of the year two years ago. That my undercover cop boyfriend. We fucked while you worked but hey maybe you be lucky next time" Pidge grinned and opened the door.

"Piggy" Allura yelled. 

"the name Pidge, you girls really should have listened" Pidge smirked and left the room letting the door close behind her. 

"have fun" Keith asked with a smirk as he stood leaning on the wall with his arms crossed as he turned to her.

"just a little" Pidge smiled brightly making her boyfriend chuckle.

"wanna head home" Keith smiled and pushed away from the wall. 

"i would love that and hey now its just our home" Pidge smiled sweetly and Keith put his arm around her as they walked.

"our home, i like the sounds of it" Keith smiled gently and Pidge giggled.

"yeah it does have a nice ring to it" Pidge smiled softly and stole a kiss from Keith before walking again. 

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