A Lion Child - James x Pidge.

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"Hey" James smiled slightly as he walked into the lion hanger room on the Atlas.

"did shiro sent you" Pidge asked in a cold tone and glared at James as he walked over where she sat looking out to space. 

"no, i heard you punched someone today and came to check on you" James sighed and sat beside her.

"I'm fine, i just lost my cool a little" Pidge frowned and glance to James.

"its ok to lose your cool, everyone does it but you also deserve to be checked on instead of being seen as the bad guy" James smiled gently and pidge blushed a little as James pulled her into a hug.

"why are you so nice to me, I'm a freak" Pidge whispered but closed her eyes enjoying the warmth.

"i dont think your a freak, i prefer you over most of the others on this ship" James grinned and pidge giggled. 

"your strange" Pidge smirked as she pulled away to look at James. 

"well isn't that my charm" James asked with a teasing smirk.

"well you do have charm or so says all the women swaying over you" Pidge grinned back and James chuckled.

"yeah it seems I'm more popular then i first thought when it comes to women but i dont know any of them" James smiled and rested his head on pidge soldier. 

"well is there anyone you do like" Pidge asked with a sweet smile and James turned his head to see her face while leaning on her shoulder.

"you" He smiled softly and watched pidge blush.

"dont messing around" Pidge huffed and turned her head away.

"I'm not, i really do like you pidge but you never believe me" James pouted and sat up while wrapped his arms around pidge while she sat on his lap.

"becuase I'm not someone you date, i was born by the green lion magic .. I'm not human or something that should be alive" Pidge frowned and James pulled her closer.

"your everything i ever wanted and i love you pidge, i dont care what you are as long as your by my side" James smiled warmly and looked into pidge eyes.

"i dont know if i can love" Pidge warned.

"then let me teach you" James smiled sweetly slowly moving in.

"then let me learn to love you James" Pidge smiled warmly and closed her eyes as their lips connected. 

Months Later ..

"James" Pidge screamed filled the silent planet and every com opened in the paladins helmet, lions and in the Atlas. 

"Pidge dont, its too dangerous" Keith yelled as he watched her run towards the crashed burning fighter Jet that help cadet James inside. 

"i wont leave him, he going to be ok .. right" Pidge cried as she jumped over the crash sight and into flames not caring for any harm she bought herself.

"Pidge" Hunk yelled as they watched in horror.

"please James" Pidge cried and begged as she ripped the Jets roof away looking to her lover limp bleeding body.

"get her out of there, its going to blow" Shiro ordered and they couldn't risk losing the green paladin.

"James" Pidge cried as she pulled him out, using her body to shield him from the fire as she carried him away. 

"shiro get a medical team ready, we being James .. he got a weak pulse" Lance yelled over the com as he helped pidge carry James to the lions.

"its gonna be ok right, he going to make it .. right" Pidge asked in a panic and the others wasn't sure what to say.

They flew back to the atlas in a hurry and Pidge was the first out of her lion running to the red lion where her lover was kept during the journey.

"James" Pidge whispered in fear and let her tears fall as Lance carried him out placing him on the medial bed before the doctors pulled the bed towards the medical room. 

"he gonna be ok pidge, he a fighter" Keith smiled and placed a hand on the shorter paladin shoulder.

"yeah James is strong, he going to be fine" Lance smiled weakly. 

"he make it" Hunk barley smiled and Pidge just nodded while looking at the direction her lover was taken.

"go get cleaned up and then i let you know how he is, i stay with him until he fixed up" Shiro weakly smiled to the paladins.

"come on pidge, you wont want James seeing you like this" Allura slightly smiled and lead the girl to the girls shared showers. 



"urg, am i dead" James groaned as he opened his eyes seeing a bright white light.

"you better not be otherwise i kill you for making pidge cry twice" Keith hissed and James looked around to see Keith sitting beside the bed.

"what happened" James asked and tried sitting up but stopped as he felt weight on his chest before turning to see pidge sleeping cuddle up to him.

"she ran into fire and ripped of the jet roof with her lion born strength to save you while also crying over the thought of you dying. She hasn't left you side since shiro ordered us to shower when we first retuned a week ago" Keith frowned and crossed his arms.

"a week and she didnt leave" James mumbled in shock.

"nope we tried but she would active her lion strength to fight us all off, so we let her stay with you unless voltron was needed" Keith explained and James gently smiled at pidge.

"she really can be cute" James smiled and Keith rolled his eyes.

"well dont get too happy, the last battle to decided if we win or lose this war is coming up and well Pidge fate hasn't been decided after the war" Keith frowned and looked to the floor.

"fate" James asked with worry.

"Pidge was born the green lion of voltron, no one knows why or how but the green lion used its magic and Pidge was made. No one knows what will happen to pidge once the war is over and voltron is no longer needed. She could just vanish like she appeared or the higher ups might lock her away in a pod for when voltron might be needed again since she a danger to leave alone" Keith explained and James frowned.

"she not a danger, she can feel just like us humans and she just misunderstood" James hissed.

"i agree but pidge is still the green lion child, she is a powerful thing that could lose control one day and kill us all. No one knows what path will be taken once the war is over" Keith sighed and stood up as he noticed Pidge start to wake up.

"James" Pidge smiled brightly and hugged the man she was laying on.

"Hey pidge, sorry to scare you" James smiled softly and wrapped his arms around her.

"i thought i lost you, i thought you died" Pidge cried.

"shh its ok now, I'm not going to leave you i promise" James smiled and held the crying pidge while Keith left the room. 

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