A Secret Love - Lotor x Pidge.

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"Pidgin, you there" Lance called over the coms.

"are you hurt" Hunk asked with worry over the comes.

"Pidge, do you copy" Shiro yelled over the coms.

"Pidge" Keith yelled slightly panicked over the coms.

The green paladin was perfectly fine. She wasn't harmed or any danger. Even if any galra soldiers did come they couldn't get through the locked doors and even if they did. Well the galra wouldn't even try to bring any harm to the green paladin out of fear for their lives.

After all the green Paladin was laying on the floor with her secret lover over her. Both lost in a heated make out session.

He knew voltron way of thoughts and knew what ship they would be attacking next. He waited in the second smaller control room for her knowing she wouldn't go to the main. He stood in the corner watching as she took down the guard and locked the doors. He waited until she started the download before pinning her to the ground.

A soft smile on her lips as she saw it was him and her arms wrapped around his neck before brining him closer. But was madly in love with the other but he was her enemy just like she was his enemy. They could never let their feelings take over a mission at hand so they made use of every second they could be together. She smirked into the kiss as she listened to her teammates start to panic and knew she had to break away from him to answer back before they start rushing to her.   

"I'm ok, i was just typing in a code" Pidge lied cover her com and listened to her friends answers before muting herself and looking into her lover purple eyes. His gentle smile made her feel warm and she didnt care if they were caught not when she was with him. She always felt alive and unstoppable when he was beside her.

"pidge how long until the download is finished" Shiro asked and Pidge sighed before unmuting herself once more.

"another minute, start heading to the lions and i catch up" Pidge reported back.

"i wait for you at the end of the hall, i need to pass the hall that leads to the second control room anyway on my way to the lions" Keith answered and pidge frowned.

"got it" Pidge replied.

"we see you back at the lions" Lance grinned.

"be careful" Hunk mumbled.

"you too" Pidge smiled slightly and muted herself once more. She looked to her lover and smiled while he stared with an amused look.

"stay" he whispered.

"we both know i cant" She frowned.

"i know but i wish you could just stay" He sighed.

"me too but voltron needs me and i cant work under zarkon not after seeing everything he did" Pidge replied with worry.

"and you wont, you will be standing by my side helping me kill my father" He mumbled back.

"your still the enemy in voltron eyes, i cant just leave" Pidge sighed.

"i just want to call you mine without us having to hide all the time" he frowned.

"Lotor you know this is love is selfish" Pidge smiled softly and placed her hand on her lover cheek.

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