Daddy Jokes Gone Wrong - Shidge.

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Keith walking down the hall until lance grabs him and pulls him into his room. 

"ahh .. I mean what's up" Keith asked crossing his arms.

"I have realised I have feelings for" Lance started to say with a slight blush.

"sorry man but I got a thing for Matt" Keith replied lifting his hands up in the air to stop lance.

"I was gonna say James" Lance mumbled and keith nodded.

The two then slowly turned back to each other before yelling

"wait you like matt/james" the two yelled in shock and just staring at the other. 

"shut the fuck up and to sleep its 2 fucking AM" Pidge roared from her room as she bang on the walls.

"Katie langue, just come back to bed" Shiro groaned from pidge room.

"what the fuck" Keith and Lance yelled at the wall that hide pidge room. 

"why is everyone yelling" Hunk yelled from his room at the end.

"your too innocent for this" Lance yelled back.

"we just found gold out" Keith yelled.

"just got to bed" Hunk sighed. 




"morning" Keith grumbled as he walked into the dinner room already seeing shiro in his normal spot and Pidge sleeping in her normal spot. Hunk was placing the food down.

"I'm here" Lance grinned as he walked.

"hi here, I'm dad" Shiro joked making the others chuckle a little.

"hello daddy" Lance smirked back. 

"I thought that what you called James" Pidge grinned and hunk spat his water out while everyone burst out laughing while Lance slowly turned red.

"I cant breath" Keith cried out as joyful tears left his eyes.

"my ribs" Hunk laughed as he nearly fell of his chair. 

"why is everyone laughing so much and why is lance so red" Allura asked with worry.

"you just missed the best moment ever princess" Shiro grinned trying to stop his laughing.

"well dont forget to breath" Coran replied with worry.

"too late" Pidge squeak back while keith and hunk gave an agreed nod. 


"wait you got daddy joke me" Lance yelled back during the middle of training.

"and why cant she" Hunk asked puzzled.

"becuase she already calling someone daddy at night" Lance smirked as he glance to shiro then back to pidge.

"he right pidge, shouldn't we be making the daddy jokes" Keith grinned and crossed his arms beside pidge.

"you boys sure you wanna make daddy jokes after all I'm the reason we got soundproof rooms .. you wanna hear me speak of such daddy at night" Pidge smirked back with her hand on her hip as keith and lance turned bright red embarrassed.

"she got you again" Hunk grinned. 

"she a demon" Keith mumbled.

"in more ways then one" Shiro smirked with his arms crossed making the others more embarrassed.

"I think we broke them" Pidge grinned as keith and lance crawled up on the floor while hunk hid his red embarrassed face behind his hands.

"I guess training over but why dont we do our own training" Shiro grinned and wrapped his arms around pidge who giggled before kissing his cheek. 




"a daddy joke" James asked as a certain three male paladins started turning red.

"yeah, well shiro like the team dad so I been thinking of doing a daddy joke while he commands the atlas" Matt smiled. 

"please dont" Hunk begged.

"yeah, you cant win against them" Lance warned.

"they monsters" Keith mumbled. 

"what ups" Shiro smiled as he and pidge walked into the room making the three male paladins freeze up.

"you guys ok" Pidge asked with worry.

"hey shiro how it feel to be daddy" Matt smirked.

"great thanks" Shiro grinned.

"yeah he makes once heck of a daddy at night" Pidge smirked and wink to her brother who froze up.

"my god" James mumbled out.

"we warned you man" Lance yelled bright red.

"they monsters" Hunk cried still having a red face.

"why didnt you listen to us ... we been having to deal with this for years" Keith grumbled with a bright red face.

"why .. no this ... you two .. my best friend and sister .. no" Matt mutter out while he crawled up in a ball on the floor.

"and I thought we agree that Katie isn't a monster but a demon in bed instead" Shiro sighed wrapping his arms around pidge.

"ah but you like my demon side" Pidge grinned and matt started crying. 

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