So What - Lotor x Pidge.

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He was always drawn to her even before they met. 

He heard the stories of the green paladin from galra soldiers and stories about how he hacked and was the brains of the team while be so small. 

But the green paladin wasn't a he becuase the green paladin was a she ...

This gave him hope that maybe just maybe she would have feelings for him. 

But then he didnt want to win her over with just his looks and title, he wanted to tame her and call her his after fighting for their love. 

Then he saw her for the first time, she was different to all the women that would hover around him hoping to marry a prince.

She was sassy, nerdy, mouthy, a fighter, short, boyish but she was also smart, pretty, cute and so very beautiful in his eyes. 

"everyone this is prince Lotor" Allura spoke with venom in her voice as the others stood in front of his cell.

But he didnt care, all he could do was look at the girl called pidge. 

A soft smile on his lips as he watched her with love. 

The way she glance to him made his heart flutter out of control. 

He just kept falling deeper and deeper in love with her as the days passed.

Yes he was trying to trick them and get allura to fall for him but he couldn't get pidge out of his mind or heart. 

Every moment allura was busy and he couldn't pull her away then he would be with pidge. 

He would listen her ramble with a gentle smile and he would chuckle at her sassy comments. 

He was in love with the green paladin of voltron

He was in love with his enemy

But all he could reply was 'so what' as his generals reminded him he was a prince. 

So what was all he mostly said to those around him as he fell deeper for the girl.

"Lotor" Pidge smiled softly, a sparkle in her eyes as she looked to him.

"yes pidge" He asked with a gentle smile and soft eyes.

"well i need to update our galra finder and well i didnt know if you wanted to hang with me since its gonna take ten minutes to upgrade before i do anything" pidge asked with a sweet smile and held her arm a little.

"i would like that very much as long as you dont mind my company" He replied with a soft smile and pidge giggled.

"i would love your company" She grinned and the two started walking towards the control while his body filled with joy at her words. 

He listened to her as she ramble about nothing to everything with a bright sparkle in her eyes. He laughed with her and talked about all different things with her both forgetting the upgrade until it beep at us saying it was done. 

Both frowned when they didnt have a reason to hang anymore and as Lotor was going to speak asking if she would join him on a walk the control room door opened showing allura.

"lotor, what are you doing here" She asked with a bright smile.

"just chilling with pidge" Lotor smiled back.

"i see, well I'm free now so why dont we continue on talking about future ship plans" Allura asked with a kind smile.

"oh i was actually going to ask" Lotor started to speak but notice pidge already walking out the sliding doors. 

"what" Allura asked.

"its nothing princess" Lotor smiled and walked with allura away. 

She was the hero ...

He was the villain ...

She was the green Paladin of voltron ...

He was the prince of the galra ...

She was someone who waited for love ...

He was the once chasing the love ...

She was human ...

He was galra ...

So what ...

Love was glowing for them both ...

Love is love ..

So what if they weren't a pair made in heaven they had love ..

But the doors closed for them both as the war started once more ..

Now old whispers filled space...

Just two words that bought a tear to both of their eyes when the whisper hits 

"so what" 

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