Not Allura but You - Lotor x Pidge.

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"what" Pidge asked with worry as lotor looked at her with a smug grin with his arms and legs crossed showing him as a perfectly relaxed prince leaning on the wall.

"oh nothing much, its just your smile was humongous" Lotor smiled pushing from the building wall walking towards me where i stood in front of an alien stall.

"it was very entertaining to watch" Lotor smirked and stopped in front of the short paladin.

"g-glad to entertain you with my smiles" Pidge sighed and rolled her eyes but froze as Lotor bent over until there eyes was the same eight looking into each other.

"you look quite cute when you smile so much" He whispered with a gentle smile, his eyes never leaving hers as a blush makes a way to her cheeks. 

"d-dont l-lie I'm not c-cute" Pidge stuttered with a blushing face and Lotor chuckled as he stood up fully once more.

"your right since your adorable" Lotor smiled sweetly with a small blush over his cheeks.

"w-we better go meet up with the others" Pidge mumbled and looked away.

"of course we dont wish to make them worry but i do wish we could stay together just a little longer" Lotor sighed and started walking. 

"shouldn't you be getting lost with Allura instead of me" Pidge replied with a frown as they walked down the alien street full of stalls.

"well i do like allura but i rather spend my free time with you after all i am" Lotor started to say with a soft smile but stopped when pidge turned to him with her bright eyes making him blush.

"after all" Pidge asked with a smirk and lifted her eyebrow.

"after i am in love with you" Lotor smiled warmly and the two blushed while connecting there eyes. 

"lotor" She whispered as her eyes sparkle both slowly growing closer as they lose themselves in the others beautiful eyes. 

Lips connecting with a sweet warm loving kiss and there eyes finally close.

"Pidge" Lance yelled from the other end of the street and without thinking the green paladin zapped Lotor with her Bayard earning him to fall to his knees in front of him.

"we been looking everywhere for you ... why is lotor on his knees" Keith started to say full of worry before turning puzzled as he looked to lotor.

"i forgot how dangerous a wild beast could be" Lotor replied with a small grin.

"well that was stupid" Lance sighed.

"lets head back to the castle, im sure shiro going in dad mode right now" Pidge smiled and helped Lotor up before walking back to the castle with the others but never letting his hand go. 

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